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Madison, WI Mineral Owners

Owners in Madison, WI
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Allen Scott Pinkston Madison, WI 28
Alma Robert Madison, WI 17
Alyson Michelle Lawrence Madison, WI 23
Anderson Jane Estate Madison, WI 5
Barnes Robert K Madison Royalty Madison, WI 17
Battaglia Charles Austin TR Madison, WI 14
Battaglia Gary Alex TR Madison, WI 14
Battaglia Mary Autumn TR Madison, WI 14
Battaglia Mary Kay Heritage TR Madison, WI 10
Big Horn Minerals LLC Madison, WI 9
BK Cook Family LP Madison, WI 4
BK Cook Family Ltd Partnership LP Madison, WI 6
Bone Springs LLC Madison, WI 3
Brenna Roxanne Norrell Madison, WI 4
Bright Rock LLC Madison, WI 4
BRS Leasing & Financing LLC Madison, WI 3
Charping Alexander James Trust Madison, WI 14
Christian Flwship Intervarsity Madison, WI 5
Cimarron Properties GP LLC Madison, WI 37
Cimarron Properties LP Madison, WI 42
Cimmaron Properties GP LLC Madison, WI 3
Cimmarron Properties GP LLC Madison, WI 8
Cynthia Ann Le Derose Madison, WI 20
Derek Sean Kowalke Madison, WI 9
Diane Eriksen Relyea Madison, WI 14
Douglas R Etal Sherman Madison, WI 6
Ellison Bentley Madison, WI 4
Esther E Kretschmar Madison, WI 11
Ewing McClelland Madison, WI 8
Fadness Sagen LLC Madison, WI 4
Florence Stonebraker Madison, WI 4
Freeman Neff Revocable Trust DTD 12-11-17 Madison, WI 24
Glenn H Chambliss Madison, WI 4
Goc Bright Rock LLC Madison, WI 6
Greenleaf Expl P'Ship LLC Madison, WI 13
Henshaw Walter A Jr- M TR Corp Madison, WI 2
Jack James Lawrence Madison, WI 24
Jean Lichtenwald Madison, WI 10
Jeanette Mowery Heffernan Madison, WI 48
Jere Scruggs Hilton Madison, WI 16
John B Persons Madison, WI 9
John D White Madison, WI 6
John Derr Madison, WI 47
John H Magill Madison, WI 4
John T Derr Madison, WI 36
Kathleen Terese Horning Madison, WI 17
Kathryn Marty Madison, WI 4
Leslie Lauerman Serletic Madison, WI 4
Lisa Montenegro Madison, WI 8
Lori E Vissers Madison, WI 13
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