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Fairfax, VA Mineral Owners

Owners in Fairfax, VA
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Angela C Falcone Fairfax, VA 83
Beam Fam TR Fairfax, VA 8
Bernice M/David Ferreby Fairfax, VA 5
Catherine Jane Kerby Fairfax, VA 40
Dickerson Family Trust Fairfax, VA 7
Elaine Y Bellan Fairfax, VA 9
Ella Frankie Fojt Morgan Fairfax, VA 8
Eric D King Fairfax, VA 12
Firearms & Shooting American Fairfax, VA 50
Fischer Theodore A Jr Holdings Fairfax, VA 3
Gregory Roberts Hallmark Fairfax, VA 9
Jared & Elizabeth Novak Fairfax, VA 4
Johnnie Ray Manning Fairfax, VA 13
Joy C Sibley Fairfax, VA 7
Judith Lee Poinsett Fairfax, VA 36
Julie Albert Fairfax, VA 8
Kirk Sauerwein Fairfax, VA 4
Leland McKnight Jameson Fairfax, VA 14
Lisa M Merrill Fairfax, VA 12
Lois F Schieck Fairfax, VA 5
Marcella R Ray Fairfax, VA 11
Mary Elizabeth Parsons Fairfax, VA 15
Mary Elizabeth Sparks Fairfax, VA 230
Melvin L Barry Jr Fairfax, VA 4
Mhhcajhc LLC Fairfax, VA 1
Michael Roskind Fairfax, VA 7
Michael W Bailey Fairfax, VA 9
National Rifle Association Fairfax, VA 1
Nina Blanchard Fairfax, VA 5
Pamela Telotte Fairfax, VA 10
Poinsett Judith Lee Properties Fairfax, VA 34
Reynolds Family Properties LLC Fairfax, VA 1
Rob Clarke Fairfax, VA 4
Robert A Ward Fairfax, VA 9
Sally Annette Sibley Fairfax, VA 7
Stephen & Juanita Wheeler Fairfax, VA 19
Susan L Stone Fairfax, VA 7
Thelma June Miller Bowles Fairfax, VA 6
Thomas G Blakeman Fairfax, VA 5
Tolson Robert M Life Estate Fairfax, VA 14
Tommy Taylor Osborne Fairfax, VA 19
Victoria Ann S Zanca Fairfax, VA 23
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