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Arlington, VA Mineral Owners

Owners in Arlington, VA
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Albert E Sanders Minerals LLC Arlington, VA 51
Barbara Nell Sullivan Arlington, VA 4
Bradford Bennett Pate Arlington, VA 19
Brent Charles Bailey Arlington, VA 4
Carleton Billups Jr Arlington, VA 5
Catherine Lynette & Sharp Arlington, VA 16
Cheek Robert C Rev Trust Arlington, VA 12
Christopher D Lay Arlington, VA 6
Chrys Dee Lemon Arlington, VA 4
Cole Frances Ann Trust Arlington, VA 27
Conservancy Nature Arlington, VA 13
Cresson Heights Ltd Arlington, VA 2
David E Cooper Arlington, VA 11
David Jerome Taylor Arlington, VA 5
David W Cook Arlington, VA 6
Dominic N Lacy Arlington, VA 8
DR Stuart A Umpleby Arlington, VA 4
Edwin H Gilliland Arlington, VA 25
Elenita Milbank Drumwright Arlington, VA 31
Elizabeth J Lippman Essig Arlington, VA 40
Elizabeth J Lippmann Essig Arlington, VA 73
Elizabeth Shepard Farrar Arlington, VA 43
Ellett James N Jr Rev Trust Arlington, VA 11
Emily Krinsky Arlington, VA 4
Erin Claire Noakes Arlington, VA 5
Fac Trust Arlington, VA 4
Ferguson Double J Ranch LP Arlington, VA 3
Frederic D Hosford Arlington, VA 23
George Brian Busey Arlington, VA 16
Greene Perdie Trust Arlington, VA 16
Harris M Carver LLC Arlington, VA 19
Howard L Burris Jr Arlington, VA 6
James Cox Arlington, VA 12
James Thomas McKenzie Arlington, VA 4
Janet Bonar Wayland Arlington, VA 12
Janet Shagam Arlington, VA 6
Jefferson Buchanan Yarborough Arlington, VA 37
Jeffrey Bradford Lancaster Arlington, VA 17
John D McCall Jr Arlington, VA 4
John R Keeling Jr Arlington, VA 6
John Robert Keeling Jr Arlington, VA 70
John S Buckley Arlington, VA 4
John Stell Arlington, VA 19
Julie Hamm Finley Arlington, VA 6
Karen Helen Veninga Driscoll Arlington, VA 13
Katherine B Oser Arlington, VA 15
Lah Houston I LLC Arlington, VA 1
Lanny Thomas Gus Lancaster Arlington, VA 7
Laura Milissa Wessells Arlington, VA 7
Laura Wessells Hardmam Arlington, VA 22
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