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Alexandria, VA Mineral Owners

Owners in Alexandria, VA
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Akin John Grant Revoc Trust Alexandria, VA 41
Akin John Grant Revocable TR Alexandria, VA 49
Akin John Grant Trust Alexandria, VA 176
Alexis Medley Scudder Alexandria, VA 7
Arra Ann Mazor Alexandria, VA 19
Barbara Bryant Alexandria, VA 4
Barbara Ilene Matthews Alexandria, VA 14
Bedford Alann P Trust Alexandria, VA 88
Betty Dawson I Blunt Alexandria, VA 7
Bob L Hardin Alexandria, VA 4
Brenton E O'Neill Alexandria, VA 30
Britton Barbara Rae Rev TR Alexandria, VA 6
Bruce V Thompson Alexandria, VA 8
Bruhn Madeline Mary Estate Alexandria, VA 22
Calvin Jr & Kayci Banks Alexandria, VA 8
Cassandra Simmons Watkins Alexandria, VA 97
Charles F Bedford Alexandria, VA 18
Charlotte Bedford Lange Alexandria, VA 4
Cynthia Cook Alexandria, VA 16
Cynthia Lelia Seale Alexandria, VA 8
Dana Milburn Simpson Alexandria, VA 6
Dana Milburn Simpson Nielsen Alexandria, VA 60
Danny R Obrien Alexandria, VA 42
Danny Reginald O'Brien Alexandria, VA 6
Dawn Hanley Serenety Alexandria, VA 14
Dean A Restivo Alexandria, VA 11
Deborah E Self Alexandria, VA 12
Dee Edward Newland Jr Alexandria, VA 10
Degloria Hallman Alexandria, VA 28
Diabetes Assoc American Alexandria, VA 5
Diana Houston Alexandria, VA 7
Donna Jeannine Dugan Alexandria, VA 5
Douglas & Edgar III & Patricia & Tracy Woodward Alexandria, VA 13
Douglas Lowell Ray Alexandria, VA 4
Edgar F Woodward Jr Alexandria, VA 4
Elizabeth Ann Young Johnson Alexandria, VA 8
Elizabeth Blake Haas Alexandria, VA 9
Elizabeth D McBurney Alexandria, VA 48
Elizabeth Smiley Wells Alexandria, VA 4
Elizabeth Wells Verrill Alexandria, VA 10
Emily Chapter DC - Dar Nelson Alexandria, VA 5
Emily Ford Cooksey Alexandria, VA 56
Fitzhugh Elder III Alexandria, VA 82
Frank J Quirk Alexandria, VA 19
Genz Michael A Non-Exempt Trust Alexandria, VA 15
George C Elliott Alexandria, VA 4
Gwendolyn C Hall Alexandria, VA 12
Harry A Mangold Alexandria, VA 5
Helen Allen Alexandria, VA 6
Jackson Broshears Prentice Alexandria, VA 12
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