The Woodlands, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in The Woodlands, TX: 1,063
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in The Woodlands, TX: $1,666,729,086
Top Owners in The Woodlands, TX
- Ameripermian Holdings LLC
- Bandicoot Minerals LLC
- Eagle Ford Oro Negro LLC
- Earthstone Operating LLC
- Eros Operating LLC
- FX Energy Oper LLC
- Geosouthern Chalk II LLC
- Geosouthern Energy Corp
- Giraffe Minerals LLC
- James W Turner
- M B B Frantes
- Mercury Minerals Inv LLC
- Mineral Resources Development
- Minerals Resources Development LP
- Orca Minerals LLC
- Pie Operating LLC
- Pontiac Legacy Asset Holdings
- Pontiac Minerals LLC
- Raymond G Jr & Linda Peterek
- Remora Management LLC
- Repsol Eagle Ford North LLC
- Repsol Oil & Gas USA LLC
- Rio Oil & Gas II LLC
- Smith Production Inc
- Topwater Resources LLC
Owners in The Woodlands, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Michael L Lowman | The Woodlands, TX | 11 |
Michael Lynn Luman | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Michael M Carnes | The Woodlands, TX | 7 |
Michael Michalski | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Michael R Shaw | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Miller Richard Ward Decend TR | The Woodlands, TX | 16 |
Mindy Hodges Jones | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Mineral Resources Dev LP | The Woodlands, TX | 23 |
Mineral Resources Development | The Woodlands, TX | 67 |
Minerals Resources Development LP | The Woodlands, TX | 54 |
Mitchell Family Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 16 |
Mitchell Minerals I Ltd | The Woodlands, TX | 14 |
MJZ Petroleum Corp | The Woodlands, TX | 9 |
MMV & JLM Family Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 220 |
Mrs Brooksie M Smith | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Mstaff LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 34 |
Mulville Martha Ray Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 18 |
Myrtle Jo Wiley | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Nancy Morgan Bagnoli | The Woodlands, TX | 11 |
Nathan Ryan Smith | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
National Bank Woodforest | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
New Robert V Jr Family Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 7 |
Newfield Exploration Company | The Woodlands, TX | 19 |
Newsom Young B Estate | The Woodlands, TX | 23 |
NRG Exploration & Prod LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 1 |
Ohlms Cynthia Taylor Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 247 |
Opal Investments LP | The Woodlands, TX | 44 |
Opral Wisham | The Woodlands, TX | 30 |
Orca Minerals LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 36 |
Owen Johnnie E Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 14 |
Paddy Gordon | The Woodlands, TX | 10 |
Parsons Enterprises Ltd | The Woodlands, TX | 18 |
Patricia Corley Dalberg | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Patricia Jean Dickson Terry | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Patsy Colmer | The Woodlands, TX | 8 |
Paul A & Marilyn Rev L Hanslik | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Paul A Hanslik | The Woodlands, TX | 10 |
Paul C Goodwin | The Woodlands, TX | 7 |
Paul William Watson | The Woodlands, TX | 8 |
Peggy Anne Blount | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Peggy Points Hendricks | The Woodlands, TX | 9 |
Peggy Sue Thompson | The Woodlands, TX | 18 |
Philip Berrend Michelson | The Woodlands, TX | 9 |
Phillip Berrend Michelson | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Phyllis L Johnson | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Pie Operating LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 18 |
Piper Petroleum Co | The Woodlands, TX | 189 |
Pontiac Legacy Asset Holdings | The Woodlands, TX | 83 |
Pontiac Minerals LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 427 |
Pyxis Energy LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 2 |
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