The Woodlands, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in The Woodlands, TX: 1,063
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in The Woodlands, TX: $1,666,729,086
Top Owners in The Woodlands, TX
- Ameripermian Holdings LLC
- Bandicoot Minerals LLC
- Eagle Ford Oro Negro LLC
- Earthstone Operating LLC
- Eros Operating LLC
- FX Energy Oper LLC
- Geosouthern Chalk II LLC
- Geosouthern Energy Corp
- Giraffe Minerals LLC
- James W Turner
- M B B Frantes
- Mercury Minerals Inv LLC
- Mineral Resources Development
- Minerals Resources Development LP
- Orca Minerals LLC
- Pie Operating LLC
- Pontiac Legacy Asset Holdings
- Pontiac Minerals LLC
- Raymond G Jr & Linda Peterek
- Remora Management LLC
- Repsol Eagle Ford North LLC
- Repsol Oil & Gas USA LLC
- Rio Oil & Gas II LLC
- Smith Production Inc
- Topwater Resources LLC
Owners in The Woodlands, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Emily Diane May-Gogineni | The Woodlands, TX | 5 |
Emily Elizabeth Bradshaw | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Energyquest II LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 9 |
Eros Operating LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 2 |
Fairway Minerals Corp | The Woodlands, TX | 3 |
Family Energy Services Inc | The Woodlands, TX | 3 |
Federal Royalty Partners LTFD | The Woodlands, TX | 2 |
Ferguson Crossing Pipeline Ltd | The Woodlands, TX | 128 |
Fieldhat Family LP | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Forestar Re Group Inc | The Woodlands, TX | 1 |
Fox Jamie Cox 2012 Gift Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 9 |
Francee W Barfield | The Woodlands, TX | 7 |
Fred B Loe | The Woodlands, TX | 10 |
Fred Brown | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Friedman E Louise Estate | The Woodlands, TX | 26 |
Friedman Joseph B Estate | The Woodlands, TX | 11 |
FX Energy Oper LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 94 |
Garry O Dent | The Woodlands, TX | 7 |
Gary J Eubank | The Woodlands, TX | 12 |
Gayle Scott Storey | The Woodlands, TX | 13 |
Gemini Production Inc | The Woodlands, TX | 9 |
Geoffrey Reeder | The Woodlands, TX | 13 |
George E Miles Jr | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
George Moretti Jr | The Woodlands, TX | 272 |
Geoscience Resources Recovery | The Woodlands, TX | 5 |
Geosouthern Chalk II LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 86 |
Geosouthern Energy Corp | The Woodlands, TX | 353 |
Gerard R & Joan Chin Fong | The Woodlands, TX | 16 |
Gina Lunsford | The Woodlands, TX | 5 |
Giraffe Minerals LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 188 |
Gossage/McBee Living Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 4 |
Graceland Resources Inc | The Woodlands, TX | 3 |
Gray Stephen L Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 90 |
Greg Colburn | The Woodlands, TX | 10 |
Gregory T Smith | The Woodlands, TX | 48 |
Guila Popov | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
H & M Land Company LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 1 |
H David Wills | The Woodlands, TX | 5 |
Hall Bradley F 2012 TR | The Woodlands, TX | 178 |
Hall Donald Lynn Family Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 172 |
Hamilton Royalty Trust | The Woodlands, TX | 1 |
Hannah Lois Wilson Crenshaw | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Harris Sidon & Dona JT LV TR | The Woodlands, TX | 5 |
Harry Mack Brown | The Woodlands, TX | 28 |
Hayden Watson | The Woodlands, TX | 8 |
Henry Stevens | The Woodlands, TX | 26 |
Herd Bull Investments LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 6 |
Hill Family Minerals LP | The Woodlands, TX | 90 |
Holly Norris Brown | The Woodlands, TX | 24 |
Honeyman BJ & Rachel Living TR | The Woodlands, TX | 11 |
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