Sutton County, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Sutton County, TX: 314
Mineral Holders With Assets in Sutton County, TX: 1,884
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Sutton County, TX: $23,637,405
Total Appraised Value of Assets in Sutton County, TX: $61,800,460
Heat Map of Properties in Sutton County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Sutton County, TX
Top Owners in Sutton County, TX
- Albert C Ward
- Altizer & Whitehead Prod Ltd
- Battle Axe Ranch LLC
- Brenda K Beck
- Cauthorn John & Mildred Char TR
- Evelyn L Zook
- Frances Childress Ross
- Galbreath Jimmie May Miller Life Estate
- Gerry I M Ingham
- Harold Turney Friess
- Jessie Lem Wardlaw
- John H Garner
- Jordan Lois Mann Revoc Trust
- Jpajr Pecos Interests LP
- Judy Mann McDonald
- L M Mem Hosp Hudspeth
- Mary Adele Wilson Balch
- Mayer 4 Ltd
- McDonald Judy Mann Life Est
- McDonald Judy Mann Life Estate
- Michael Edward Dunbar
- MWK Minerals Ltd
- Nancy Bess Wilson Davis
- Pecos Cadesman-Julia
- Pfaff Family Trust
- Rousselot Enterprises Ltd
- Sammie Jean Espy
- Stanley B Mayfield II
- Suzanne Shurley Huddleston
- Walter L & Elaine Whitehead
Owners with Interests in Sutton County, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Wright Robert G Trust | San Angelo, TX | 15 |
WTX Royalty Trust | Midland, TX | 324 |
Xog Operating LLC | Midland, TX | 23 |
Yater Rev Trust | Stanton, TX | 96 |
Zachary Clyde Dishman | Beaumont, TX | 49 |
Zachry Oil & Gas Properties | Midland, TX | 229 |
Zane Dishman Blank | Beaumont, TX | 36 |
Zephyr Lone Star Oper Co LLC | Oklahoma City, OK | 25 |
Zeus Petroleum Inc | Bellaire, TX | 1185 |
Zia Trust Inc - Nancy Joan | Albuquerque, NM | 1 |
Zihlman Family TR | Duncanville, TX | 9 |
Zihlman Family Trust | Fort Worth, TX | 42 |
Zizmont Tree Farms LP | Beaumont, TX | 16 |
Zoe A France | Discovery Bay, CA | 138 |
Zook John Edward Life Est | Sonora, TX | 85 |
Zook Johnathan Edward Estate | Sonora, TX | 85 |
ZPZ Delaware I LLC | Houston, TX | 717 |
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Sutton County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Sutton County, TX