Sterling County, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Sterling County, TX: 181
Mineral Holders With Assets in Sterling County, TX: 1,937
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Sterling County, TX: $35,955,854
Total Appraised Value of Assets in Sterling County, TX: $69,131,600
Heat Map of Properties in Sterling County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Sterling County, TX
Top Owners in Sterling County, TX
- 5HL Horwood Minerals Ltd
- Amanda Bodine
- Arj Minerals LLC
- C Skeete Foster
- Cinco Terry LP
- Curtis Handley Driver
- David W Foster
- Davis James M Family Trust
- Drake Marilyn Foster GST TR
- Foster Resources Ltd
- Frank Sims Price
- Gary Dean Foster
- Glass Properties Ltd
- Glass White River Ranches LLC
- Jack W Clark
- James Wesley Glass
- Jaynell C Bodine
- Joseph A Non-Exempt Stroman
- Leruth Reed Stewart
- Lonnie C Horwood
- Melinda Bodine Gaines
- Michael Lynn Foster
- Nueve Duro Properties LP
- Reed Stewart
- Steven D Foster
- Stewart Leruth Reed LF Est
- Stewart Reed 1999 Trust
- W L Foster Ranches Ltd
- Wayland Lee Foster II
- William Lenard Horwood
Owners with Interests in Sterling County, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
William Herschel Upton | San Angelo, TX | 35 |
William Hurley | Pueblo, CO | 8 |
William J Braden | Midland, TX | 9 |
William Lenard Horwood | Sterling City, TX | 92 |
William M Cole | Nashville, TN | 9 |
William Marsh Rice University | Houston, TX | 1441 |
William R Conger Jr | Fort Smith, AR | 4 |
William Richard Orsak | Sterling City, TX | 10 |
William T Stokes | Dallas, TX | 23 |
William Upton Quillen | Southlake, TX | 7 |
William V Davis | San Angelo, TX | 5 |
William W Meadows | Fort Worth, TX | 15 |
William Wyatt Todd III | San Antonio, TX | 5 |
Willoughby Ltd | Marshall, TX | 19 |
Winn Operating LLC | Kilgore, TX | 144 |
Winn Permian I LLC | The Woodlands, TX | 9 |
Winston Royalties LLC | Dallas, TX | 104 |
Woolley James C Jr MGMT Trust | Dallas, TX | 83 |
Worth E Allen | Ozona, TX | 6 |
Wright Family Minerals LP | Midland, TX | 105 |
WTX Royalty Trust | Midland, TX | 324 |
WWM GST Exempt Trust | Fort Worth, TX | 16 |
Yahdah K Hawkins | Clyde, TX | 18 |
Young Mary Jane LLC | San Antonio, TX | 91 |
Zachary Barton Davis | Odessa, TX | 16 |
Zachary Foster | Sterling City, TX | 10 |
Zoe A France | Discovery Bay, CA | 138 |
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Sterling County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Sterling County, TX