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  • Scurry County, TX

Scurry County, TX Mineral Owners

Scurry County, TX Summary

Mineral Holders Living in Scurry County, TX: 1,062

Mineral Holders With Assets in Scurry County, TX: 12,674

Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Scurry County, TX: $217,623,457

Total Appraised Value of Assets in Scurry County, TX: $1,678,264,529

Heat Map of Properties in Scurry County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Scurry County, TX
Owners with Interests in Scurry County, TX
Owner Name Owner City Interests
John Lawrence Teas Phoenix, AZ 37
John Leigh Taliaferro Abilene, TX 28
John Lombardo Laguna Beach, CA 259
John M Glendinning III Dallas, TX 5
John M Grammer Sewanee, TN 151
John M Ward Snyder, TX 45
John Mark Harbaugh Anacortes, WA 6
John Mark Mathis Leander, TX 4
John Marvin Jones II McLean, VA 84
John Marvin Sentell Lamesa, TX 4
John Melrose Port St. Lucie, FL 18
John Memorial Pettibone New Milford, CT 38
John Michael Cooper Philadelphia, PA 7
John Mixon Smith Millsap, TX 38
John Nelson Victoria, TX 9
John Oscar Wolters Boerne, TX 27
John P Carr Tyler, TX 31
John P Cobb Sarasota, FL 33
John P Lisle Scottsdale, AZ 4
John P Roddy Lake Geneva, WI 23
John P Seaberg Houston, TX 27
John P Searls Odessa, TX 170
John Patrick Chinn Spearman, TX 12
John Patrick Henry Rockwall, TX 7
John Paul Andersen Marana, AZ 30
John Paul Shaby Culver City, CA 197
John Purser Austin, TX 21
John R III & Joyce Littl Simpson Pacifica, CA 48
John R Siphron Westwood, MA 7
John R Walker Jr San Antonio, TX 4
John Rex Wayland Jr Nacogdoches, TX 5
John Richard Kuss Wimberley, TX 5
John Richardson Lubbock, TX 8
John Ricky Preston Salado, TX 18
John Robert Dunn Helena, MT 34
John Robert Hamlett Lubbock, TX 6
John Robert Herndon Jr Fremont, CA 89
John Robinson Okmulgee, OK 10
John Rogerson Smitherman Fort Worth, TX 8
John Ross Copeland Sterling City, TX 33
John Russell IV Simpson Pacifica, CA 60
John S & Elizabeth A Kaelin Louisville, KY 18
John S Fenton Fort Worth, TX 5
John S McAnear Freer, TX 13
John S Turner Wheelock, TX 149
John Sam Barfield Big Spring, TX 150
John Sanders Mason, OH 29
John Scott Orchard Orlando, FL 28
John Shotwell Phoenix, AZ 5
John Spears II Snyder, TX 5
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Scurry County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Scurry County, TX