San Angelo, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in San Angelo, TX: 3,591
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in San Angelo, TX: $920,780,184
Top Owners in San Angelo, TX
- Barbara Reichert Individ Young
- Bjeldanes Family LP
- Campbell JB Interest LP
- Campbell/Burt LP
- Carr Robert/Nona Scholarship
- Centralia Management Trust
- Charles J Hughes
- CHS Minerals LP
- Heidi Reichert Indiv Gardiner
- Holzgraf Family Partners Ltd
- Joan Crews Hoyt
- Joel David Sugg
- JTC Minerals LP
- KJ Energy LLC
- Lanz Susan Sugg Trust
- Lucy Montgomery Lindsay
- McLaughlin Resources LLC
- Oh Ranch LP
- Richard G Mayer
- Robert Kent Amacker
- Sonora-Barnhart Ranches Ltd
- Steven S Farmar
- Three L Ranch Ltd
- Uhl Lorrie GST Trust
- VJ Ranch Interests LP
Owners in San Angelo, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Jackie Nell Cordes | San Angelo, TX | 17 |
Jackie Sue Hargrove Ogilvy | San Angelo, TX | 7 |
Jacobs Castle Gap Land Company | San Angelo, TX | 7 |
Jacquelyn Sue Shacklette | San Angelo, TX | 45 |
Jake Barrett Brown | San Angelo, TX | 153 |
James Berkshire | San Angelo, TX | 4 |
James Blake Quillen | San Angelo, TX | 12 |
James Braden | San Angelo, TX | 6 |
James C & Debra C Mundell | San Angelo, TX | 9 |
James C Womack | San Angelo, TX | 16 |
James D Johnson | San Angelo, TX | 9 |
James Edward Allison | San Angelo, TX | 146 |
James Frederick Ridge Jr | San Angelo, TX | 109 |
James G Huffman Jr | San Angelo, TX | 35 |
James L Powell | San Angelo, TX | 130 |
James Michael Sparks | San Angelo, TX | 306 |
James Paul Cummings | San Angelo, TX | 7 |
James R Estes | San Angelo, TX | 30 |
James R Waldeck | San Angelo, TX | 4 |
James S Noland | San Angelo, TX | 4 |
James Shawn Kirkham | San Angelo, TX | 4 |
James Stephen Noland | San Angelo, TX | 32 |
James Sterling Cole | San Angelo, TX | 55 |
James W Bednar | San Angelo, TX | 23 |
James W Seely | San Angelo, TX | 6 |
James Watson Lane | San Angelo, TX | 77 |
James Wendell Franklin | San Angelo, TX | 6 |
James Willard Cole | San Angelo, TX | 20 |
James Willard SSP Cole | San Angelo, TX | 35 |
James Wilson Stokes | San Angelo, TX | 18 |
Jan Jackson Duncan | San Angelo, TX | 18 |
Jane Bagwell McCrea | San Angelo, TX | 12 |
Jane E Shackelford Tucker | San Angelo, TX | 5 |
Jane Mary Ellis Wardlaw | San Angelo, TX | 6 |
Jane Ridge Austin | San Angelo, TX | 5 |
Janet B Evans Rathmell | San Angelo, TX | 4 |
Janet Jochec Ealem | San Angelo, TX | 6 |
Janice Bennett | San Angelo, TX | 36 |
Janice Elaine Cannon | San Angelo, TX | 5 |
Janice Ruth Dempsey | San Angelo, TX | 4 |
Janie Beasley | San Angelo, TX | 27 |
Jarrett Kelly Louder | San Angelo, TX | 56 |
Jatam Inc | San Angelo, TX | 2 |
Javaun Amburgey | San Angelo, TX | 7 |
Jay Dee Dickens | San Angelo, TX | 18 |
Jay K Weatherby | San Angelo, TX | 61 |
Jay R Shaw | San Angelo, TX | 32 |
JBM Oil & Gas Corporation | San Angelo, TX | 4 |
Jeanine Huskey | San Angelo, TX | 6 |
Jeffrey K Kile | San Angelo, TX | 48 |
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