Owner Information
Coalson Draw Properties LP
Address :
110 W 5TH ST
Pecos, TX 79772
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 81
Counties with Interests: 1
Heat Map of Interests Held By Coalson Draw Properties LP
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Interests Held By Coalson Draw Properties LP
Displaying Results 81 - 81 of 81
Property | County | Operator | Interest | Type | Value | |
VASS UNIT 13-14 | Reeves County, TX | CALLON PETROLE | View Details |
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Coalson Draw Properties LP
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
Amanda Armstrong Kington | Pecos, TX | 78 | 83 |
Armstrong M & L Trust | Argyle, TX | 64 | 135 |
David Armstrong | Monahans, TX | 77 | 84 |
Elisabeth Brown Cole Shrader | Columbia, SC | 50 | 50 |
Elizabeth Bass Armstrong | Balmorhea, TX | 77 | 81 |
Lambert Land Company | Lubbock, TX | 55 | 630 |
MSH Family Real Estate PTNR II LLC | Dallas, TX | 52 | 510 |
Nebo Plantation LLC | Greenwood, MS | 50 | 50 |
Pegasus Resources LLC | Fort Worth, TX | 57 | 3798 |
Quentin Cole Armstrong Jr | Pecos, TX | 58 | 63 |
Sacred Heart Catholic Church | Hallettsville, TX | 50 | 90 |
Sitio Permian LLC | Denver, CO | 77 | 8358 |
SMP Sidecar Titan Min Hold LP | Dallas, TX | 52 | 1038 |
SMP Titan Mineral Holdings LP | Dallas, TX | 52 | 1986 |
Springwood Minerals 5 LP | Midland, TX | 58 | 1060 |
St Edwards Catholic Church | Little Rock, AR | 50 | 50 |
Suzette Parker Oleksyk | Fort Myers, FL | 50 | 50 |
TD Minerals LLC | Dallas, TX | 50 | 5813 |
Urbana Lee Armstrong | Pecos, TX | 78 | 87 |
Wolfcamp Royalty Partners LLC | Wichita Falls, TX | 50 | 1409 |
Other Owners of Interest