Hemphill County, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Hemphill County, TX: 441
Mineral Holders With Assets in Hemphill County, TX: 5,043
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Hemphill County, TX: $80,501,372
Total Appraised Value of Assets in Hemphill County, TX: $530,257,800
Heat Map of Properties in Hemphill County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Hemphill County, TX
Top Owners in Hemphill County, TX
- Abraham Oil & Gas Ltd
- Bailey Peyton
- Brainard Lilith Marital Trust
- Consulting Hadaway
- Donna Jolene Urschel
- DWCF Ltd
- FX Anadarko Holdings
- Haley J Evetts III Trust
- Haley J Evetts IV Trust
- Haley Nita Stewart Trust
- Isaacs Enterprises Ltd
- Isaacs John C III Ranch Ltd
- J E Haley III
- James B Waterfield
- James Harvey Ramp
- John T Wright
- Karlyn Beth Sturgeon
- Kyle Miller
- Lard Ranch Ltd
- Patricia L Walker
- Peyton Royalties LP
- Polly R Cleveland Farrar
- Rader Family Limited Partnership LP
- Saa Investments LP
- Shaller Frank J Estate
- Sher Cow Country LP
- Sheryl Alice Hoover
- Springs Inv LLLP Buffalo
- Susan Lynn Ramp
- Upland Resources LLC
Owners with Interests in Hemphill County, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Bass LLC | Beverly Hills, CA | 2 |
Bastien Properties LLC | Midland, TX | 42 |
Bates Theodore L Trust | Dallas, TX | 28 |
Batton Oil & Gas LLC | Spearman, TX | 38 |
Baxsto LLC | Austin, TX | 2039 |
Baycorp Holdings Ltd | Portsmouth, NH | 2 |
BBC Enterprises LLC | Nichols Hills, OK | 2 |
BCB Mineral Group LLC | Dallas, TX | 12 |
Bce-Mach II LLC | Oklahoma City, OK | 405 |
Bce-Mach III LLC | Oklahoma City, OK | 1634 |
Be Anadarko II LLC | Austin, TX | 204 |
Beakon Oil & Gas Inc | Brownwood, TX | 24 |
Beckey C Zybach | Briscoe, TX | 14 |
Becky Ladonna Vise Wilson | Amarillo, TX | 48 |
Bedrock Production LLC | Houston, TX | 1971 |
Ben L Sturgeon | Pampa, TX | 90 |
Ben Smith | Arlington, TX | 356 |
Benischek Properties LLC | Albuquerque, NM | 93 |
Benjamin Britt Sturgeon | Canadian, TX | 61 |
Benjamin R Miller | Lucas, TX | 7 |
Bennett Interests LP | Fate, TX | 119 |
Benson Jean Estate | Bella Vista, AR | 8 |
Berends Martha Agnes Estate | Southfield, MI | 6 |
Bergman Mineral Holdings LLC | Midland, TX | 595 |
Berklee Clements | Pampa, TX | 60 |
Berlin Resources LLC | Tulsa, OK | 19 |
Berry Randolf G Estate | Denton, TX | 4 |
Betelgeuse Production | Fredericksburg, TX | 68 |
Beth Alexander Croll | Nichols Hills, OK | 27 |
Beth Veazey | Houston, TX | 59 |
Bethany Thomas | Savannah, GA | 16 |
Betty E Sessums | Roswell, NM | 5 |
Betty Jan Reeves | Cypress, TX | 6 |
Betty Jean Aaron | Graford, TX | 9 |
Betty Lee & Mert Cooper | Canadian, TX | 7 |
Betty Parks | Willis, TX | 7 |
Beverly Cranston | Sherman, TX | 18 |
Beverly F Calvert | Lubbock, TX | 12 |
Beverly Jane Gilmore | Houston, TX | 5 |
Bevo Production Co | Amarillo, TX | 147 |
BFW Company | Dallas, TX | 202 |
BHCH Mineral Ltd | San Antonio, TX | 3052 |
Big Barrier LP | Canyon, TX | 14 |
Big Cypress Energy LLC | Gilmer, TX | 147 |
Big Sky Mineral Trust | Arlington, TX | 3302 |
Bill Barnard | Amarillo, TX | 23 |
Bill D Turner | Oklahoma City, OK | 11 |
Bill G Yung | Galena, MO | 14 |
Bill Krueger | Peoria, AZ | 28 |
Billie Bester Brownlee | Fort Worth, TX | 38 |
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Hemphill County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Hemphill County, TX