Guadalupe County, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Guadalupe County, TX: 1,767
Mineral Holders With Assets in Guadalupe County, TX: 1,296
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Guadalupe County, TX: $173,452,565
Total Appraised Value of Assets in Guadalupe County, TX: $98,575,920
Heat Map of Properties in Guadalupe County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Guadalupe County, TX
Top Owners in Guadalupe County, TX
- Brenda Lee Kunde
- Broz Enterprises LP
- Charles Keith Kunde
- Darla Ann Schumann Roessing
- Edgar A Basse III
- HSRP Limited Partnership For
- James Burton Smith
- Karen K Hugenberg
- Kastor Charles T Family Trust
- KKL Partners LP
- Kyle Moore
- Louis William Lobner SR
- Mark Moore
- Mary Lovett Reiley
- Miner R C Oil Inc
- Norwell Inc
- Paul Allen Mueller
- Racsan Racing Inc
- RDR Finances LLC
- Robert Edward Motl
- Rockin M Minerals LP
- Russell Living Trust
- Sanjac Partners Ltd
- SJRM Partners Ltd
- Soechting Marciel Fam LP
- THB Family LP
- Tidal Petroleum Inc
- Trevers Ranch LP
- Twelve Oaks Family LP
- William Kirk Kunde
Owners with Interests in Guadalupe County, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Kathleen Allen | Gonzales, TX | 25 |
Kathleen Woods Hazlewood | Huntsville, TX | 9 |
Kathy Brady | Kingsbury, TX | 14 |
Kay Lee Martin | McQueeney, TX | 13 |
Kay S Spiller | Round Rock, TX | 43 |
Kay Taylor | Mackinaw, IL | 143 |
KDCB Garrett Holdings LLC | San Antonio, TX | 140 |
Kelley Kenneth Dewayne Rev TR | Texarkana, AR | 6 |
Kenneth William Fowler | Aurora, CO | 213 |
Kershaw Laura Jean Trust | Muskogee, OK | 7 |
KGB Royalties LLC | Tyler, TX | 98 |
Kirby Minerals | Oklahoma City, OK | 1615 |
Kone Charles H Qtip Marital Trust | San Antonio, TX | 40 |
KRP Legacy Isles LLC | Lafayette, LA | 5447 |
Kyle Singer Canepa | Belvedere, CA | 95 |
L H Farms Ltd | San Antonio, TX | 18 |
La Sombra Minerals LLC | San Antonio, TX | 143 |
Lambeck Petroleum LLC | Stockdale, TX | 2 |
Lanroy Inc | Tulsa, OK | 349 |
Larison Oil Company | Katy, TX | 1 |
Larry Heard | Houston, TX | 6 |
Laura McElfresh | Olean, NY | 10 |
Lauri Lou Booth Pendland | Lufkin, TX | 5 |
Lawrence A Martin Jr | San Antonio, TX | 6 |
Lazy M Ranch Ltd | Shepherd, TX | 190 |
Legacy Income Royalty Fund LLC | Omaha, NE | 8 |
Legacy Royalties Ltd | Tyler, TX | 874 |
Leland Ann Terrell | San Antonio, TX | 69 |
Levant Energy LLC | Milton, MA | 2 |
Lexington Oil Co | Gonzales, TX | 151 |
Linda A Hamilton | Falmouth, MA | 10 |
Linda Alexander | Luling, TX | 4 |
Linda Goldner | Paradise Valley, AZ | 98 |
Linda Heath Nelson | Westworth Village, TX | 4 |
Linda K Allen | Victoria, TX | 23 |
Linda Perryman Evans | Dallas, TX | 125 |
Lisa Onvani | Mansfield, TX | 39 |
LMWB Investments LLC | Tyler, TX | 6 |
Lola A Moore | Dallas, TX | 11 |
Lolla Elizabeth McNutt Page | Austin, TX | 10 |
Longshot Energy LLC | San Antonio, TX | 7 |
Lou Ann Crump | Lahoma, OK | 4 |
Loyce J Allen | Austin, TX | 7 |
Lugaric Family Trust | Stone Mountain, GA | 12 |
Luling Foundation | Luling, TX | 12 |
Lynn Reynolds | Newport Beach, CA | 9 |
M D Keyes | Laurel, MS | 20 |
Malloy Oil & Gas Prop LLP | Oklahoma City, OK | 138 |
Map2004-Ok | Oklahoma City, OK | 1989 |
Marc Singer | Seattle, WA | 115 |
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Guadalupe County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Guadalupe County, TX