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Gregg County, TX Mineral Owners

Gregg County, TX Summary

Mineral Holders Living in Gregg County, TX: 6,605

Mineral Holders With Assets in Gregg County, TX: 23,312

Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Gregg County, TX: $487,732,460

Total Appraised Value of Assets in Gregg County, TX: $235,174,914

Heat Map of Properties in Gregg County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Gregg County, TX
Owners with Interests in Gregg County, TX
Owner Name Owner City Interests
John Mac Northcutt Longview, TX 5
John Maher III Myrtle Beach, SC 57
John Mason Carter West Lake Hills, TX 60
John Matt Dawson Corsicana, TX 4
John Max Crittenden College Station, TX 14
John McWesley Ledbetter III Austin, TX 4
John Michael & Kathy Blair McNeil, AR 7
John Michael Carter Longview, TX 14
John Morrison Southfield, MI 5
John Musselman Tyler, TX 15
John Myers Kinsel Ennis, TX 4
John N Adamson Kilgore, TX 7
John N Wheelock III Mason, TX 44
John Neale McIntyre Houston, TX 44
John Nelson Glatthar Goldsboro, NC 45
John O Little III Boca Raton, FL 12
John O Smith Houston, TX 64
John P Cobb Sarasota, FL 33
John P Goodson Jr Frisco, TX 10
John P Jr & Mildred Oden McKinney, TX 8
John P Morris Appleton, WI 28
John P Searls Odessa, TX 170
John P Wandel Jr Corpus Christi, TX 288
John Paul Burton Jr Santa Fe, NM 59
John Paul Kilgore Schertz, TX 4
John Quin Tillery Longview, TX 6
John Quincy Adams Tyler, TX 18
John R Florence Jr Kilgore, TX 17
John R Gilley Tyler, TX 6
John R Hyland Maple Grove, MN 11
John R Zanek Cypress, TX 7
John Randolph Jones Farmington, UT 22
John Raymond Simpson San Antonio, TX 60
John Rho Ellis Jr Shreveport, LA 8
John Richard Ewing Live Oak, TX 24
John Robert Bruce Schenectady, NY 11
John Robert Bumpus Lampasas, TX 16
John Robert Kohler Dallas, TX 5
John Robert McGrede Jr Longview, TX 14
John Roger Patrick Garland, TX 8
John Rogers Pope Longview, TX 13
John Rubin Fort Worth, TX 18
John Russell McMurrey Humble, TX 90
John Rutan Georgetown, IL 8
John S Bivins Jr Stonewall, LA 14
John S Cace Jr San Antonio, TX 10
John S Chaney Merriam, KS 17
John S Nelson Beaumont, TX 19
John S Terry Sacramento, CA 5
John S White Hico, TX 144
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Gregg County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Gregg County, TX