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Gregg County, TX Mineral Owners

Gregg County, TX Summary

Mineral Holders Living in Gregg County, TX: 6,605

Mineral Holders With Assets in Gregg County, TX: 23,312

Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Gregg County, TX: $487,732,460

Total Appraised Value of Assets in Gregg County, TX: $235,174,914

Heat Map of Properties in Gregg County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Gregg County, TX
Owners with Interests in Gregg County, TX
Owner Name Owner City Interests
John Gregory Seale Dallas, TX 12
John H Godfrey Jr Dallas, TX 27
John H Gsttrust Newberry San Francisco, CA 37
John H Hansen Shreveport, LA 82
John H Lucas Longview, TX 8
John H Moon Longview, TX 105
John H Mudd Quincy, MA 6
John H Satterwhite Point, TX 5
John H Strength Jr Port Aransas, TX 20
John H Yocum El Dorado, AR 32
John H Zale Dallas, TX 87
John Hanson Dallas, TX 28
John Hardin Longview, TX 27
John Hawley Gladewater, TX 5
John Howard Tutt Longview, TX 8
John Howell Rogers Dallas, TX 4
John Hunter Carradine New Orleans, LA 7
John J McGrede Jackson, CA 6
John J Mitchell The Woodlands, TX 119
John Jones Jr Denton, TX 21
John Judson Bagwell Forney, TX 11
John K Fund Funk Midland, TX 7
John K Jeter College Station, TX 7
John K Matson Daphne, AL 11
John Keith Bell Lake Mary, FL 31
John Kincl Wilkinson Austin, TX 14
John Knox Hutchings Moore Jr Houston, TX 12
John L & Mary M Tracy Bullard, TX 4
John L Allen Jr Plano, TX 8
John L Birbari Lander, WY 4
John L Bullion San Antonio, TX 29
John L Cantrell Dallas, TX 6
John L Coby Jr Houston, TX 10
John L Daniels Jr Longview, TX 12
John L L/E Williams Arlington, TX 13
John L Pratt III Woodridge, NY 7
John L Williams Banning, CA 5
John L Wright Jr Edwards, CO 46
John Lee Boggs Jr Logansport, LA 65
John Life Tenant McDermott Houston, TX 21
John Linsley Allen SR Plano, TX 13
John Lombardo Laguna Beach, CA 259
John Louis Nelson Jr Pasadena, TX 5
John M Brown Luling, TX 80
John M Douglas Corsicana, TX 7
John M Eiche Jr Tyler, TX 12
John M Hall Signal Mountain, TN 54
John M Hogan Long Beach, CA 25
John M Stephenson Richmond, VA 38
John M Stich Houston, TX 4
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Gregg County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Gregg County, TX