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Gregg County, TX Mineral Owners

Gregg County, TX Summary

Mineral Holders Living in Gregg County, TX: 6,605

Mineral Holders With Assets in Gregg County, TX: 23,312

Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Gregg County, TX: $487,732,460

Total Appraised Value of Assets in Gregg County, TX: $235,174,914

Heat Map of Properties in Gregg County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Gregg County, TX
Owners with Interests in Gregg County, TX
Owner Name Owner City Interests
John D Garrett Longview, TX 4
John D Gourley Dallas, TX 101
John D Heirs Campbell Tulsa, OK 31
John D Hutchings Jr Longview, TX 11
John D Mullins Jr Canyon Lake, TX 36
John D Norwood III Houston, TX 27
John D Proctor Tyler, TX 5
John D Sweazy Christopher, IL 19
John D Trimble Jr El Dorado, AR 20
John Daniel Cowan Boulder City, NV 11
John Daniel MD Cowan Boulder City, NV 4
John David Berry Austin, TX 20
John David Harrison Palm Beach Gardens, FL 31
John David Honea Kilgore, TX 7
John David Simpson Houston, TX 30
John Dawson Henderson, TX 48
John Dee Pitner Houston, TX 7
John Dennis Mackey Madisonville, TX 27
John Donley Glasscock Cody, WY 24
John Duane Waddill Richmond, TX 9
John E & Gail Donnellan Chickasha, OK 60
John E Blalack Horizon City, TX 6
John E Harper McDonough, GA 9
John E Higgins Jr Chama, NM 9
John E Johnson Bentonville, AR 6
John E Kerley Jr Shreveport, LA 24
John E Miller Odessa, TX 5
John E Musil Rockwall, TX 22
John E Randle Jr Conroe, TX 10
John Earl Sharp Longview, TX 188
John Ed King Cleburne, TX 23
John Edward Clark Reston, VA 22
John Edward Minnich Dallas, TX 4
John Eisenberg Baltimore, MD 4
John Enright Boyd, TX 64
John Eric Roberts Naples, FL 6
John Eriksen Oleri Demarest, NJ 4
John F & Joanna G Magale El Dorado, AR 8
John F Berry Tyler, TX 6
John F Darden Jr Burton, TX 7
John F Hudnall Tyler, TX 16
John F Pettit Jr Uvalde, TX 38
John F Sommers Arlington, TX 50
John F Taylor Jr Corsicana, TX 48
John Frederick Zwerneman Naples, FL 11
John G Cunyus Dallas, TX 6
John G Great GRDCHDRN Kistler Boston, MA 5
John G GRT GRT GRNCHLD Kistler Boston, MA 5
John G Kistler Taos, NM 65
John Gilliland Kistler Boston, MA 5
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