Goliad County, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Goliad County, TX: 1,001
Mineral Holders With Assets in Goliad County, TX: 1,940
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Goliad County, TX: $426,627,699
Total Appraised Value of Assets in Goliad County, TX: $38,438,420
Heat Map of Properties in Goliad County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Goliad County, TX
Top Owners in Goliad County, TX
- Benjamin Joseph Jendrzey
- Billings Investments Ltd
- Borgfeld Lorna Irrev Trust
- Elizabeth C Burda
- Frisbie Family Trust
- Gumm J4 Family LP
- Hahn Resources Ltd
- Harvey H Mueller
- HSSB Limited Partnership
- Jerome Respondek Royalties Ltd
- Klein Two Bar Limited LLP
- Koopman Minerals Ltd
- Koopmann Hilmer E Estate
- KR Ranches Ltd
- Lackey Land Limited
- Lane Jim & Brenda Rev MGT Trust
- Leon J & Vivian M Respondek
- M V I Mineral Holdings LP
- Mary Lee Kozielski
- Michael J & Diana M Gwosdz
- Nog Production & Operating LLC
- Phil E & Gina R Mueller
- Robert Edward Schendel
- Robert T Meischen
- Rodney L Butler
- Schendel William Joel Estate
- Scott Straube
- Stephen Mark Jahn
- Vasbinder Ltd Partnership
- William Koopmann
Owners with Interests in Goliad County, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Community Minerals LLC | Houston, TX | 3170 |
Compass Oil & Gas LP | Midland, TX | 438 |
Concord Oil Co | San Antonio, TX | 1217 |
Conoco Inc | Houston, TX | 29 |
Conocophillips Company | Houston, TX | 2950 |
Continental Resources Inc | Oklahoma City, OK | 456 |
Corsi Crews | Valley Mills, TX | 136 |
Costalota LLC | Littlefield, AZ | 1 |
Courtnery Amanda Non-Ex Searcy | Corpus Christi, TX | 6 |
Cox Family Minerals Trust | Montecito, CA | 99 |
Craighead T C & Company | Ardmore, OK | 334 |
Crawford Barbara S Family TST | Redlands, CA | 6 |
Creston H Funk Jr | San Antonio, TX | 7 |
Crestone Royalties LLC | Addison, TX | 554 |
Croft Exploration | Houston, TX | 13 |
CRT Investments Inc | San Antonio, TX | 4 |
Crutcher Oil & Gas-II LP | Metairie, LA | 11 |
Cummins Royalty Acquisition | San Antonio, TX | 14 |
CWS Exploration LLC | Colleyville, TX | 8 |
Cynthia Jean Oliver Hardin | Shawnee, OK | 6 |
Cynthia Van Orden Crowder | Myrtle Beach, SC | 4 |
D L Gibson | Lafayette, LA | 9 |
Dalmac Holdings Inc | Purlear, NC | 26 |
Damarco Holdings Ltd | Corpus Christi, TX | 49 |
Dan C Perry | San Antonio, TX | 23 |
Dan P McLendon | San Antonio, TX | 8 |
Dana Johnson | Saratoga, CA | 51 |
Darlene Jones | Austin, TX | 6 |
David B Patterson | Parker, CO | 5 |
David D Crews | Falls City, TX | 121 |
David J Flackman | Bradenton, FL | 862 |
David K Becker | Corpus Christi, TX | 49 |
David K Skidmore | Addison, TX | 26 |
David L Blake | Spring, TX | 8 |
David Michael Kasprzyk | Elgin, TX | 12 |
David P Desenberg | Corpus Christi, TX | 6 |
David Segrest | Dallas, TX | 8 |
David W Clowe | Austin, TX | 22 |
DBT Inc | Tulsa, OK | 15 |
Deer Marilee Calhoun Fmly LP | Corpus Christi, TX | 1 |
Delores Seifert | Victoria, TX | 8 |
Denise Pohl | Hallettsville, TX | 4 |
DHK Minerals Ltd | Dallas, TX | 79 |
Diana Dunnam Hill | Spring, TX | 56 |
Diana Hirsch | Beverly Hills, CA | 16 |
Diana S Allen | Floresville, TX | 13 |
Dick Schmidt | Austin, TX | 13 |
Dixie L Mayfield Hester | Tyler, TX | 258 |
DLM Interests LLC | Houston, TX | 251 |
Doh Oil Company | Sweetwater, TX | 1834 |
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Goliad County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Goliad County, TX