Goliad County, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Goliad County, TX: 1,001
Mineral Holders With Assets in Goliad County, TX: 1,940
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Goliad County, TX: $426,627,699
Total Appraised Value of Assets in Goliad County, TX: $38,438,420
Heat Map of Properties in Goliad County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Goliad County, TX
Top Owners in Goliad County, TX
- Benjamin Joseph Jendrzey
- Billings Investments Ltd
- Borgfeld Lorna Irrev Trust
- Elizabeth C Burda
- Frisbie Family Trust
- Gumm J4 Family LP
- Hahn Resources Ltd
- Harvey H Mueller
- HSSB Limited Partnership
- Jerome Respondek Royalties Ltd
- Klein Two Bar Limited LLP
- Koopman Minerals Ltd
- Koopmann Hilmer E Estate
- KR Ranches Ltd
- Lackey Land Limited
- Lane Jim & Brenda Rev MGT Trust
- Leon J & Vivian M Respondek
- M V I Mineral Holdings LP
- Mary Lee Kozielski
- Michael J & Diana M Gwosdz
- Nog Production & Operating LLC
- Phil E & Gina R Mueller
- Robert Edward Schendel
- Robert T Meischen
- Rodney L Butler
- Schendel William Joel Estate
- Scott Straube
- Stephen Mark Jahn
- Vasbinder Ltd Partnership
- William Koopmann
Owners with Interests in Goliad County, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Lovett Management TR DTD | Kerrville, TX | 18 |
Lovett Partners Ltd | Seguin, TX | 2 |
Lunar Petroleum LLC | Dallas, TX | 250 |
M & N Mineral Interests LP | McDade, TX | 3 |
M K H G Trust A | Dallas, TX | 9 |
Maduro Oil & Gas LLC | Dallas, TX | 1 |
Maecenas Minerals LLP | Dallas, TX | 770 |
Mallard Royalty Partners | Midland, TX | 605 |
Map2004-Ok | Oklahoma City, OK | 1989 |
Map2006-Ok | Oklahoma City, OK | 2761 |
Margaret M Buckley | Oklahoma City, OK | 8 |
Marietta Wynne Scott | Austin, TX | 73 |
Mario Garza | Runge, TX | 9 |
Mark Gregg | Houston, TX | 10 |
Mark Guy Powell | San Angelo, TX | 53 |
Mark J Gabrisch | Houston, TX | 9 |
Mark Kobelan | Houston, TX | 21 |
Mark L & Mitzi Shidler | Houston, TX | 428 |
Mark Meier | Breaux Bridge, LA | 8 |
Mark R Stock | Cypress, TX | 80 |
Mark Warren | Nicholasville, KY | 153 |
Marlene S Fromme | Cuero, TX | 4 |
Marsha Frels | El Campo, TX | 9 |
Marshall Family PTR 1992 Ltd | Houston, TX | 2 |
Martinez Dee L Family LP | Dallas, TX | 147 |
Marvin Schlegel | Anadarko, OK | 138 |
Marwell Petroleum Ltd | Houston, TX | 44 |
Mary Bain Pearson | Houston, TX | 4 |
Mary Beth Mireur Lofton | San Leandro, CA | 30 |
Mary Frances Antweil | Fort Worth, TX | 11 |
Mary H McClendon | Coralville, IA | 9 |
Mary H McLendon | Coralville, IA | 8 |
Mary Jon Shelton Urban | Austin, TX | 5 |
Mary K McKinney | San Antonio, TX | 12 |
Matagorda B1 LP | Houston, TX | 1963 |
Matthew David Crews | Montgomery, TX | 111 |
Mattye Louise Stiles | Goliad, TX | 4 |
Maureen Mathis | San Marcos, TX | 10 |
Maurice Charles Lucky | Scottsdale, AZ | 98 |
Mayo Minerals LLC | San Antonio, TX | 126 |
McCaig Royalty Fund LP | Austin, TX | 277 |
McCulliss Oil & Gas Inc | Denver, CO | 156 |
McCulliss Resources Co Inc | Littleton, CO | 330 |
Mebane Family LP | Fort Worth, TX | 63 |
Mebane Minerals LP | Fort Worth, TX | 62 |
Melanie E Durst | Corpus Christi, TX | 5 |
Melissa Dougherty | New York, NY | 138 |
Melville M Brown Jr | Dallas, TX | 15 |
Metcalfe Minerals LP | Dallas, TX | 1921 |
Michael Calloway Crews | Georgetown, KY | 127 |
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Goliad County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Goliad County, TX