Comanche County, TX Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Comanche County, TX: 540
Mineral Holders With Assets in Comanche County, TX: 1,167
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Comanche County, TX: $25,687,248
Total Appraised Value of Assets in Comanche County, TX: $2,639,140
Heat Map of Properties in Comanche County, TX
Total Appraisal Value of Properties in Comanche County, TX
Top Owners in Comanche County, TX
- A D & L Pecos River Oil Co LLC
- Buchanan Wow LLC
- Carter Children Trust
- Cecil Everton
- Cynthia Jean Pate
- Daleree LLC
- David Wayne Winters
- Donna Clark
- Donna Clark Jones
- Dudley Brothers Ltd
- Dyer Mary Louise Living Trust
- Evelyn K Midkiff Stephens
- Gery Rogers
- James D Murphree
- Jana Tudor Cullers
- Jay Dee Burleson
- Joe Whit Simpson
- Kenneth D Hale
- Kenneth E Gibson II
- King F P Trust Fbo Patricia A King
- Leigh Deigh Gibson Gilliam
- Lyle D Cannon
- Melinda Anne Rose
- Peggyjohn Ltd
- Rita Trosper
- Shirley Johnson
- Sierra Foxtrot LP
- Steve R Cox
- Susan E Graham
- TTT Properties LP
Owners with Interests in Comanche County, TX
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Gregg Goodall | Breckenridge, TX | 83 |
Guardian Oil & Gas Inc | Southlake, TX | 20 |
H4 Land & Cattle LP | Boerne, TX | 1 |
Haymaker Holding Company LLC | Fort Worth, TX | 2011 |
Hazelwood Partners LP | Fort Worth, TX | 450 |
Heather Nichols | Houston, TX | 8 |
Henry Douglas Baer | Dallas, TX | 44 |
Howard Barton | Archer City, TX | 5 |
Howard Payne University | Dallas, TX | 29 |
J & J Whiteside Inc | Comanche, TX | 7 |
J L Hankins | Tularosa, NM | 9 |
J Luther King | Fort Worth, TX | 15 |
Jack McClendon | Lubbock, TX | 18 |
James D Murphree | Sidney, TX | 41 |
James Frederick Scott | Fort Worth, TX | 6 |
Janet Kay Baxter | Austin, TX | 798 |
Jay T L Jr Inc | Gorman, TX | 1 |
JD Minerals | Corpus Christi, TX | 3082 |
Jdmi LLC | Corpus Christi, TX | 2543 |
Jim Heathington | Underwood, MN | 4 |
Jimmy E Thompson | Pampa, TX | 7 |
JM Investments LLC | Cross Plains, TX | 70 |
John C Watson | Kerens, TX | 10 |
John Harvey Newberry | Austin, TX | 306 |
John P Ryan Jr | Fort Worth, TX | 5 |
John R Jordan | Abilene, TX | 4 |
John T Mitchell | Ashland, OR | 5 |
Jon B Spilger | Fulshear, TX | 201 |
Jon S Brown | Palestine, TX | 4481 |
Joni Jacobson | Phoenix, AZ | 4 |
Juanita Key Nelson | Weatherford, TX | 4 |
Julia Anna Frost Cochran | Abilene, TX | 5 |
Julia Kay Watson | Weatherford, TX | 6 |
Kantex Trust | Katy, TX | 9 |
Karan J Kirk | Gorman, TX | 7 |
Kay L Watson | Gorman, TX | 6 |
Kelli Byrd | Palestine, TX | 115 |
Kelli Farr | Phoenix, AZ | 4 |
Kelly Cunningham Malone | Denton, TX | 55 |
Kelly H Baxter | Austin, TX | 72 |
Kenneth W Heathington | Knoxville, TN | 4 |
Kenneth William Fowler | Aurora, CO | 213 |
Kenny Rutledge | Rising Star, TX | 8 |
Key John Wayne Estate | Long Beach, CA | 4 |
Kingdom Investments Ltd | Dallas, TX | 489 |
Lainco Inc | Hamlin, TX | 10 |
Lamar Family Class Trust | Dallas, TX | 348 |
Laughlin Bypass Trust | Tulsa, OK | 107 |
Laughlin-Copeland Trust | Norfolk, VA | 29 |
Lavaca Minerals Company | TX | 24 |
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Comanche County, TX
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Comanche County, TX