Owner Information
Sean M Fbo Cole Baldwin Gould
Address :
College Station, TX 77845
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 4
Counties with Interests: 1
Other Owners With a Similar Name | |
SEAN MAHLON GOULD | Birmingham, AL |
Heat Map of Interests Held By Sean M Fbo Cole Baldwin Gould
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Interests Held By Sean M Fbo Cole Baldwin Gould
Displaying Results 1 - 4 of 4
Property | County | Operator | Interest | Type | Value | |
LOFTIN HUGHES 1211 | Reagan County, TX | PERMIAN RESOURCES OP | 0.000245 | RI | $650 | View Details |
LOFTIN HUGHES 1211 A | Reagan County, TX | PERMIAN RESOURCES OP | View Details | |||
LOFTIN HUGHES 13-1212 | Reagan County, TX | PERMIAN RESOURCES OP | View Details | |||
LOFTIN HUGHES 13-1212 | Reagan County, TX | PERMIAN RESOURCES OP | View Details |
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Sean M Fbo Cole Baldwin Gould
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
Abilene Permian I Partners LP | Abilene, TX | 3 | 73 |
Charles J Hughes | San Angelo, TX | 3 | 84 |
CL Friend Ranch LLC | Wichita Falls, TX | 3 | 114 |
Fassett Family Investments | Durango, CO | 3 | 8 |
Gould Karla Jo Life Estate | TX | 3 | 8 |
Guaranty Life Insur Universal | Abilene, TX | 3 | 215 |
H Stephen Story | Fort Collins, CO | 3 | 9 |
Harris James Patrick Minerals | Mertzon, TX | 3 | 123 |
Holly Harris Welsh | Acworth, GA | 3 | 110 |
Janis Ima Tunnell | Leicester, NC | 3 | 110 |
John B Sparks | Midland, TX | 3 | 18 |
Laura L Snider | Whitefish, MT | 3 | 110 |
Penroc Oil Corp | Hobbs, NM | 3 | 1644 |
Permian Resources Operating LLC | Denver, CO | 3 | 1050 |
Platform Energy III LLC | Abilene, TX | 3 | 708 |
Santa Gertrudis Minerals LLC | San Antonio, TX | 3 | 42 |
Shana Michelle Baldwin | Waco, TX | 3 | 4 |
Softvest LP | Abilene, TX | 3 | 3395 |
Tunnell Diane E Trust | Kailua-Kona, HI | 3 | 107 |
William G Gould | San Angelo, TX | 3 | 8 |
Other Owners of Interest