Owner Information
Bebe King Byrd
Address :
Boyd, TX 76023
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 144
Counties with Interests: 2
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Heat Map of Interests Held By Bebe King Byrd
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Interests Held By Bebe King Byrd
Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 144
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Bebe King Byrd
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
Anna Kingsley Alvarado | Fort Worth, TX | 126 | 443 |
BKV Barnett LLC Ri/Or | Denver, CO | 142 | 5116 |
Cheryl L Flanagan | Rhome, TX | 123 | 125 |
Curtis P Martin | Plano, TX | 143 | 200 |
Dave & Dave Ltd Co | Denton, TX | 131 | 467 |
Dennis G & Shelley L Ferguson | Nocona, TX | 125 | 126 |
Dolphyn Lavonne Smith | Colleyville, TX | 143 | 198 |
Gayle Martin Long | Port Angeles, WA | 143 | 200 |
John J Jose | Fort Worth, TX | 128 | 465 |
John Narsutis | Denton, TX | 136 | 484 |
John P Scott | Houston, TX | 122 | 407 |
John Skotnik | Bonham, TX | 131 | 464 |
Kevin Spencer | Dallas, TX | 131 | 481 |
Kipper Minerals Ltd | Corpus Christi, TX | 138 | 496 |
Metallicus LLC | Lewisville, TX | 136 | 484 |
Michael J Henry | Fort Worth, TX | 126 | 472 |
Olin L Martin | Justin, TX | 143 | 199 |
Springer & Lyle LLP | Denton, TX | 131 | 468 |
T Scott Allen Jr | Hunt, TX | 123 | 412 |
Wanda Elaine Wright | Winnsboro, TX | 143 | 198 |
Other Owners of Interest