Owner Information
Temple Jo Grantham
Address :
Big Spring, TX 79720
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 218
Counties with Interests: 3
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Heat Map of Interests Held By Temple Jo Grantham
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Interests Held By Temple Jo Grantham
Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 218
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Temple Jo Grantham
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
1979 Royalties LP | Midland, TX | 64 | 1063 |
Asro DG LLC | Cedar Park, TX | 204 | 231 |
Asro Mineral & Energy MGMT LLP | Corpus Christi, TX | 204 | 231 |
Buckhorn Minerals IV LP | Houston, TX | 68 | 6030 |
Country Royalty LLC | Big Spring, TX | 210 | 230 |
Diamondback E&P LLC | Oklahoma City, OK | 74 | 2998 |
Elk Range Royalties LP | Dallas, TX | 62 | 2461 |
Fortis Minerals II LLC | Fort Worth, TX | 94 | 2100 |
Franco-Nevada Texas LP | Highlands Ranch, CO | 107 | 4802 |
James Kelly Meek | Midland, TX | 72 | 259 |
Ladon Patterson | Midland, TX | 132 | 146 |
Lorie Lynn Little | Big Spring, TX | 63 | 231 |
Lyle Russell Grantham | Ackerly, TX | 214 | 231 |
Michael Chanse Allen | Carrollton, TX | 190 | 203 |
Patterson Ladon G Life Estate | Midland, TX | 76 | 77 |
Saleh John Charitable Foundation | Midland, TX | 102 | 119 |
Sam Saleh | Lamesa, TX | 203 | 232 |
Sitio Permian LLC | Denver, CO | 89 | 8358 |
Sortida Resources LLC | Midland, TX | 62 | 1755 |
Viper Energy Partners LLC | Oklahoma City, OK | 171 | 6705 |
Other Owners of Interest