Owner Information
Scarlett Whitt Olson
Address :
Austin, TX 78751
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 38
Counties with Interests: 4
Heat Map of Interests Held By Scarlett Whitt Olson
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Interests Held By Scarlett Whitt Olson
Displaying Results 21 - 38 of 38
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Scarlett Whitt Olson
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
BPX Operating Company | Denver, CO | 29 | 1351 |
Carl Rushing Olson Jr | San Antonio, TX | 35 | 36 |
Catherine Olson Bishop | San Antonio, TX | 38 | 38 |
Chevron Advantage Inc | Dallas, TX | 15 | 1280 |
Exempt-State Of Texas | Austin, TX | 35 | 3766 |
George Albert Olson | San Antonio, TX | 22 | 23 |
George Pancoast Olson | Temple, TX | 38 | 38 |
John H Shaida | Wichita, KS | 12 | 53 |
Kimbell Knight Royalties LLC | Fort Worth, TX | 12 | 878 |
Lacey Olson Shannon | San Antonio, TX | 38 | 38 |
Luther Westbrook Olson | San Antonio, TX | 36 | 37 |
Marion A Olson Jr | San Antonio, TX | 38 | 39 |
Martha Whitt Olson Donohue | Kingsbury, TX | 37 | 37 |
Minette Whitt Olson Hedin | San Antonio, TX | 38 | 38 |
Mitchell Paulena F Test SP TR | San Antonio, TX | 35 | 35 |
Olson Carl Rushing Jr LLC | San Antonio, TX | 38 | 39 |
Olson Luther Westbrook LLC | San Antonio, TX | 37 | 38 |
Rush Carole E Living Trust | Puyallup, WA | 37 | 38 |
Scythian Ltd | Midland, TX | 12 | 1806 |
Vpo Partners Ltd | San Antonio, TX | 16 | 16 |
Other Owners of Interest