Owner Information
Leighton Dure Barclay
Address :
Austin, TX 78763
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 21
Counties with Interests: 5
Heat Map of Interests Held By Leighton Dure Barclay
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Interests Held By Leighton Dure Barclay
Displaying Results 21 - 21 of 21
Property | County | Operator | Interest | Type | Value | |
WEST UNIVERSITY | Hardin County, TX | OLIPDP II LLC | View Details |
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Leighton Dure Barclay
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
BP America Production Co | Houston, TX | 7 | 1359 |
Cohagan William Family Trust | Austin, TX | 13 | 13 |
Criswell Cohagen Gonzalez | Philadelphia, PA | 17 | 17 |
Criswell Pen Irrev Humphrey | Fort Worth, TX | 8 | 8 |
Five-Jab Inc | Tomball, TX | 6 | 7 |
Frances C Irrevocable TST Dann | Fort Worth, TX | 8 | 8 |
Frederick S Irr Fenyvessy | Fort Worth, TX | 8 | 8 |
Jon S Brown | Palestine, TX | 10 | 4466 |
Judith Ctrust Fennyvessy | Fort Worth, TX | 9 | 9 |
Julie Mulligan | Palmer, AK | 11 | 13 |
KRP Legacy Isles LLC | Lafayette, LA | 9 | 5447 |
Lynn Frederick Dure | Austin, TX | 21 | 21 |
Margaret Ann McConnico Ryan | Fort Worth, TX | 11 | 11 |
Margot Fischer | Beaumont, TX | 11 | 14 |
North Branch Inc | Houston, TX | 6 | 429 |
Q4 Interests Ltd | Wimberley, TX | 6 | 7 |
Southwest Petroleum Company | Dallas, TX | 10 | 12999 |
WF Assets Inc | San Antonio, TX | 6 | 8 |
William L. Cohagan | Lakeway, TX | 7 | 7 |
XC Investments Inc | Beaumont, TX | 6 | 6 |
Other Owners of Interest