Owner Information
Kristin Paige Fuson-Carris
Address :
Knoxville, TN 37924
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 82
Counties with Interests: 1
Heat Map of Interests Held By Kristin Paige Fuson-Carris
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Interests Held By Kristin Paige Fuson-Carris
Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 82
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Kristin Paige Fuson-Carris
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
2012 Brian Roy Eaton Irr Trust | Fort Worth, TX | 82 | 130 |
BKV Barnett LLC Ri/Or | Denver, CO | 82 | 4280 |
CD2 Co | Abilene, TX | 82 | 158 |
Charles Lance Fuson | Maryville, TN | 82 | 96 |
Courtney M Lamont | Muskogee, OK | 82 | 109 |
David R Duncan | San Angelo, TX | 82 | 138 |
Hopper Kathy A Branscome TR | Baytown, TX | 82 | 135 |
John D Duncan | Harrison, AR | 82 | 137 |
Joiner Verne S Test Trust | Pottsboro, TX | 82 | 118 |
Karen Haun Barlow | Fort Worth, TX | 82 | 747 |
Lake Country Baptist Church | Fort Worth, TX | 82 | 1186 |
Lea Ann Duncan | Los Angeles, CA | 82 | 135 |
Leonard Harry E Jr Rev TR | Tulsa, OK | 82 | 108 |
LHR Investments LLC | Decatur, TX | 82 | 769 |
McAlister Royalties LLC | Midland, TX | 82 | 1883 |
McClung Family Minerals LLC | Tulia, TX | 82 | 210 |
MPH Production Company | Victoria, TX | 82 | 2782 |
Pecos Bend Royalties LLLP | Midland, TX | 82 | 3707 |
Victoria L Goe | Los Angeles, CA | 82 | 191 |
Warren Charitable Foundation | Midland, TX | 82 | 1437 |
Other Owners of Interest