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Pennington County, SD Mineral Owners

Owners in Pennington County, SD
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Blue Spruce Entities LLC Rapid City, SD 8
Caplin LLC Rapid City, SD 1
Cowan Cynthia Rev Trust Rapid City, SD 6
Cowan J M Trust Rapid City, SD 6
Deanne Prince Box Elder, SD 6
Debbie Price Leber Box Elder, SD 4
Douglas Patrick Lawrence Rapid City, SD 8
Elizabeth Mary Dugi Keystone, SD 4
Elizabeth Mary Dugie Keystone, SD 4
Eric W Gardner Rapid City, SD 9
Glen Hostutler Rapid City, SD 13
H&J Holdings LLC Rapid City, SD 5
Janet K Farhrenwald Rapid City, SD 7
Jeanne L SSP Knowlton Hill City, SD 27
John Michael Burns Jr Rapid City, SD 13
John Wesley Schreiber Rapid City, SD 5
Joy Allred Ritchie Rapid City, SD 5
Joyce E Palmer Rapid City, SD 48
Kathryn Ann Julius Rapid City, SD 4
Katrina Wagner Rapid City, SD 4
Kyle Tompkins Box Elder, SD 18
Lori Jefferson Miklos Rapid City, SD 9
Mary Jane Chiles Rapid City, SD 9
Mauri Sanderford Rapid City, SD 5
Michael J Atchley Rapid City, SD 4
Naidine June Adams Rapid City, SD 10
Overveen Ltd Rapid City, SD 74
Ronald Edward McBride Rapid City, SD 4
Ronald Richard Logue Rapid City, SD 15
Rose L Zwetzig Keystone, SD 8
Russell James Dragon Box Elder, SD 4
Ryan Olson Caputa, SD 7
Samuel W Scott Rapid City, SD 64
Sewell Stanley G Living Trust Rapid City, SD 54
Sheila Kay Lanier Tom Rapid City, SD 18
Sheila Lanier Tom Rapid City, SD 9
Stancel R Crews III Box Elder, SD 18
Tiffany C Browder Mooney Rapid City, SD 18
Tiffany Mooney Rapid City, SD 6
Tom Sheila L Revocable Trust Rapid City, SD 29
Weldon Stogsdill Box Elder, SD 4
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