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Lane County, OR Mineral Owners

Owners in Lane County, OR
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Adam Austin Wright Eugene, OR 22
Addison L Gardner III Eugene, OR 6
Alexander R Gardner Coburg, OR 6
Amy Carter Kemp Florence, OR 9
Anne L Friedrich Springfield, OR 6
Barbara Ann Roy Eugene, OR 4
Barbara Lee Tiernan Williams Eugene, OR 12
Bonnie Elizabeth Bailiff Florence, OR 12
Brandon Joseph Goodbuffalo Florence, OR 7
Brenda McPherson Radloff Eugene, OR 4
Bryce Edward Dale Eugene, OR 9
Calvin Y Clarke Springfield, OR 5
Carlos Barrera Eugene, OR 28
Cassandra J Timmins Eugene, OR 69
Charles Delong Eugene, OR 5
Charles Hartman Eugene, OR 4
Church Olive Schaefer Creswell, OR 1
Clara Ann Johnson Eugene, OR 8
Colin McStravick Eugene, OR 6
Conni Lynn Chandler Florence, OR 18
Cox John O'Neal Trust Eugene, OR 4
Cumulative Est Inc Eugene, OR 1
Cuneo & Mark Cottrell Mary Eugene, OR 36
Cuneo Francis J Jr Exem Trust Eugene, OR 57
Cuneo Francis J Jr Exmpt Trust Eugene, OR 9
Cuneo Francis J Jr Roy Trust Eugene, OR 60
Cuneo Francis J Jr TR 2/28/81 Eugene, OR 7
Cuneo Francis J Jr TRS Eugene, OR 48
Cuneo Francis Jr Ex TR Eugene, OR 5
Dang & E LLC Eugene, OR 25
Daniel J Smith Eugene, OR 14
David Joseph Miller Eugene, OR 4
David W Yeakel Eugene, OR 4
Debra Benfatti Eugene, OR 8
Debra Rae Cope Marcola, OR 8
Dennis C Gollihugh Eugene, OR 9
Don P Felt Springfield, OR 15
Donald & Beena Howard Eugene, OR 4
Donna Colburn Eugene, OR 6
Dorothy Sue Cooke Eugene, OR 8
Dutch Mining LLC Springfield, OR 7
Edward Clayton Weeks Creswell, OR 7
Edwin L & Hazel Gore Cottage Grove, OR 6
Edwin L Gore Cottage Grove, OR 5
Elizabeth King Gerlach Eugene, OR 105
Elliott Family Limited PRTNSHP Springfield, OR 3
Erika Kenison Andrews Junction City, OR 26
F Gregory Fitz-Gerald Eugene, OR 4
Forest B Pyle III Eugene, OR 4
Frances Elizabeth Donovan Eugene, OR 31
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