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Washington County, OK Mineral Owners

Owners in Washington County, OK
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Adams Investment Company Bartlesville, OK 5
Amy Booth Talala, OK 5
Bartlesville Wesleyan College Bartlesville, OK 1
Beverly Morrow Woollett Bartlesville, OK 6
Bierschenk Rev TR DTD 2/8/17 Bartlesville, OK 5
Bobbie Johnson Bartlesville, OK 7
Brenda Gilliland Remington Dewey, OK 73
Brenda Jo Wills Wilson Dewey, OK 8
Burlington Resources Oi L& Gas Co Bartlesville, OK 1
Caliche Resources Inc Talala, OK 2
Cara Jo Calloway Shell Bartlesville, OK 28
Carrol Dean Moses Talala, OK 37
Carroll D Moses Talala, OK 4
Charlotte Bowman Bartlesville, OK 10
Charlotte Turowski Bartlesville, OK 6
Clingenpeel Kerby Trust Bartlesville, OK 10
Cobbs Ranch Minerals LLC Ramona, OK 4
Cody Moore Bartlesville, OK 4
Cynthia Ann Barker Naylor Bartlesville, OK 4
Dave Reese Bartlesville, OK 27
Deborah Sue Ferguson Bartlesville, OK 4
Declan M Aldridge Bartlesville, OK 12
Denise Renae Elmenhorst Bartlesville, OK 6
Denise Turowski Bartlesville, OK 94
Denyer Betty Trust Bartlesville, OK 15
Denyer Mark & Kerry Trust Bartlesville, OK 19
Doornbos Charles F Rev Trust Bartlesville, OK 151
Doornbos Charles F Revoc Trust Bartlesville, OK 56
Doornbos Charles Rev TR Bartlesville, OK 13
Doornbos Mineral Partners LLC Bartlesville, OK 797
Doornbus Mineral Partners LLC Bartlesville, OK 6
Dorothe L Black Bartlesville, OK 6
Dover Investment Co Bartlesville, OK 5
Edna Sasser Ramona, OK 4
Emma Lee Bordner Bartlesville, OK 5
Eva Jo Wiseman Bartlesville, OK 62
Eva Lewis Bartlesville, OK 5
Frances A Henderson McKinney Bartlesville, OK 6
Gay Ann Griffin Bartlesville, OK 4
Gay Ann Griffin Potter Bartlesville, OK 5
Gay Ann Potter Bartlesville, OK 5
Gayle Hall Dewey, OK 10
Georgia K Clingenpeel Bartlesville, OK 10
Guila Kerby Bartlesville, OK 4
Henry Knight Rennick Bartlesville, OK 17
J Reed Butler Bartlesville, OK 7
James C Wilson SR Bartlesville, OK 6
James Jr & Vicky Lomax Copan, OK 27
James Michael Perry Bartlesville, OK 12
Jamie Carithers Dewey, OK 7
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