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Owasso, OK Mineral Owners

Owners in Owasso, OK
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Akin Energy LLC Owasso, OK 26
Anchor Exploration Company Owasso, OK 7
Beeline Properties Owasso, OK 3
Betsy H Maple Owasso, OK 5
Betty G Holleman Owasso, OK 12
Billie L RT White Owasso, OK 8
Billie Marlene Carpenter Duke Owasso, OK 5
Bishop Kurt & Sherry Trust Owasso, OK 9
Blades Barry C Rev Trust Owasso, OK 7
Brian K Williams Owasso, OK 4
Burt Harold L & Laverne Fam TR Owasso, OK 4
C Gene Taylor Owasso, OK 5
Carol Moses Gernand Owasso, OK 11
Casey Marie Montgomery Owasso, OK 10
CD Minerals LLC Owasso, OK 5
Debra D Beck Owasso, OK 4
Debra Lowery Cummings Owasso, OK 4
Deleva Larue George Owasso, OK 26
Derek James Devoe Owasso, OK 5
Fae Davis Owasso, OK 5
Freeland Charles J III Revocable Trust Owasso, OK 9
Gena White Owasso, OK 4
Gene Taylor Owasso, OK 4
Glass-Glen Burnie Foundation Owasso, OK 594
Henry Frye Young Owasso, OK 26
Hollis D Lawrence Owasso, OK 15
Iverson Alvin Martin Jr Trust Owasso, OK 7
Jacob & Ryanne Guinn Owasso, OK 8
James C Pickett Owasso, OK 4
James E Mitschke Owasso, OK 12
Jena L Morgan Owasso, OK 27
Jimmy E Jenkins Owasso, OK 4
Joseph T & Gisela May Owasso, OK 12
Joshua C Huddleston Owasso, OK 10
Kathryn E Huddleston Owasso, OK 10
Kenneth Ray White Owasso, OK 6
Kimberly Barton Owasso, OK 4
Land Frank & Melba Kelton Trust Owasso, OK 1
Leah M Keltner Owasso, OK 14
Lelda A Warren Owasso, OK 4
Lida S McWilliams Owasso, OK 16
Locke Dare L Trust Owasso, OK 9
Margaret A Davis Owasso, OK 6
Marjorie A Mathis Owasso, OK 4
Matthew D Hinckley Owasso, OK 12
Matthew Hershberger Owasso, OK 6
Melanie Kay Chester Owasso, OK 5
Merrell Robert Trust Owasso, OK 5
Merrell Surviller Trust Owasso, OK 6
Merrell Survillir Estate Owasso, OK 4
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