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Norman, OK Mineral Owners

Owners in Norman, OK
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Ronny C Stucker Norman, OK 7
Rose Lynn Kendrick Norman, OK 15
Rox Exploration Inc Norman, OK 2
Sandra Wolf Nichols Norman, OK 12
Sandtrap Prospecting Co Norman, OK 4
Sharon Rose Rathburn Norman, OK 10
Shaw Karen M Living Trust Norman, OK 7
Sherrill Howery Norman, OK 10
Sherry Harrell Sherrow Norman, OK 24
Shirley A Miller Norman, OK 5
Shutt Scott R Living Trust Norman, OK 37
Silas C Wolf Jr Norman, OK 12
Smith Willow R Rev Trust Norman, OK 11
Smith Willow Reese Irrev Trust Norman, OK 5
Smith Willow Reese Irrevoc TRS Norman, OK 6
Sowell Rebel Separate Prop TR Norman, OK 10
St John Edith C Living Trust Norman, OK 50
Stacy Harris Norman, OK 5
Stephen W Weichbrodt Norman, OK 21
Stidham Thomas J Rev Trust Norman, OK 5
Sting Exploration Co Norman, OK 9
Stuart Wilsey Norman, OK 6
Susan C Muir Norman, OK 26
Susan Vinson Murphy Norman, OK 19
Suzanne Wilson Norman, OK 21
Sylvia A Sparks Norman, OK 6
Tabor Properties LLC Norman, OK 1
The Machel Family Trust Norman, OK 2
Thomas Wade Koonce Norman, OK 7
Timothy W Grizzle Norman, OK 4
Tommy Don Craighead Norman, OK 12
Tompkins Billy Jo Family Norman, OK 6
TQ Energy LLC Norman, OK 23
Tracie McCaskill Norman, OK 17
Tracy Ann Campbell Norman, OK 6
Tyrone W Arterberry Norman, OK 8
Univ Of Oklahoma Foundation Norman, OK 46
University Of Okla Foundation Norman, OK 2
University Of Oklahoma Norman, OK 219
University Of Oklahoma FNDN Norman, OK 42
University Of Oklahoma FNDTN Norman, OK 4
University Oklahoma Foundation Norman, OK 2
Vaughan Kay I Rev Trust Norman, OK 11
Vester Lee Adams SR Norman, OK 8
VHG Oil & Gas Norman, OK 116
Vickie Marlow Norman, OK 6
Viola Inc Norman, OK 1
W E Boswell Jr Norman, OK 5
William C Hetherington Jr Norman, OK 11
Williams Kirtley Garnett Jr Norman, OK 32
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