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Lawton, OK Mineral Owners

Owners in Lawton, OK
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Leslie Herron Lawton, OK 19
Linda Carolyn Lynch Lawton, OK 13
Lindell Newton Lawton, OK 21
Lynda Kay Burnett Parker Lawton, OK 4
Machelle McBride Lawton, OK 8
Mark T Henslee Lawton, OK 9
Matthew Ryan Carruthers Lawton, OK 10
McMahon Foundation The Lawton, OK 168
Melinda Whitewolf Lawton, OK 70
Michael Elliott Corbett Lawton, OK 12
Michael Harris Lawton, OK 15
Michael W Patterson Lawton, OK 4
Mikel M Dodson Lawton, OK 5
Nancy Virginia Tolbert Hamm Lawton, OK 12
Parker Partnership Lawton, OK 12
Patrick B Parish Lawton, OK 9
Paula K Cothren Lawton, OK 5
Pearl Petroleum Inc Lawton, OK 16
Perry Offield Lawton, OK 8
Powers James Sims Family Trust Lawton, OK 25
R & R Enterprises Partnership Lawton, OK 1
Rachelle Patterson Marlow Lawton, OK 4
Rickie Cothren Lawton, OK 5
Ricky L Massey Lawton, OK 4
Robert L Quinnett Jr Lawton, OK 100
Roxanne Davis Lawton, OK 8
Ruby Jean Alvey Lawton, OK 4
Sharon Sasser Lawton, OK 13
Stephen Kelton Rice Lawton, OK 15
Teresa Susan Gentry Lawton, OK 11
Tiffani McBride Lawton, OK 6
Tommy Joe Henry Lawton, OK 4
Watts Marvin H Irrovocable TR Lawton, OK 6
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