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Johnston County, OK Mineral Owners

Owners in Johnston County, OK
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Anita I Cannon Tishomingo, OK 14
Arrington Mari Le Life Estate Bromide, OK 14
Bob Hudgens Mill Creek, OK 4
Charles N Rutherford Tishomingo, OK 7
Danny Arvil Hogue Milburn, OK 16
Davenport Karen Ann TR Tishomingo, OK 10
Glenda Nell Renfro Milburn, OK 21
Greeman Hat 6 Ranch LP Tishomingo, OK 142
Greg White Tishomingo, OK 8
Ima Jean Reed Mill Creek, OK 9
Jamie Joe Inman Tishomingo, OK 7
June I Rutherford Tishomingo, OK 5
Louie A Hattensty Jr Tishomingo, OK 4
Marshall Stewart Phillips III Milburn, OK 5
Mary Kathleen Utley Milburn, OK 4
Matthew Malo Milburn, OK 4
Pettyjohn George & Lynn Trust Tishomingo, OK 27
Robbie M & Teresa A Fowler Milburn, OK 8
Sherri Lynn Russell Mannsville, OK 10
Steve Barber Tishomingo, OK 8
Thunderhead Properties LLC Milburn, OK 12
Vernon Daniels Tishomingo, OK 11
Weldon Edward O'Dell Milburn, OK 21
William W Haggard Mill Creek, OK 4
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