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Santa Fe, NM Mineral Owners

Owners in Santa Fe, NM
Owner Name Owner City Interests
5644 Native Sunflower LLC Santa Fe, NM 2
Abrums Revocable Trust Santa Fe, NM 5
Ada Henry Browne Santa Fe, NM 7
Adcock Family Trust Santa Fe, NM 34
Adcock Family Trust U/T/A/D 4/21/21 Santa Fe, NM 12
Ajc Productions LLC Santa Fe, NM 13
Alexander T Walling Santa Fe, NM 7
Allred Family LLC Santa Fe, NM 4
Allred M Elizabeth Trust Santa Fe, NM 13
Amber Sanders Santa Fe, NM 110
Amy Spurlock Santa Fe, NM 13
Anasazi Energy Management LLC Santa Fe, NM 29
Angela Kathleen McGuire Santa Fe, NM 8
Anita Evans Evans Santa Fe, NM 7
Ann F Katzen Santa Fe, NM 23
Ann Flood Meyer Santa Fe, NM 31
Ann Miller Hanson Santa Fe, NM 4
Anna Christina Rutland Santa Fe, NM 42
Anne Elizabeth Hudson Starnes Santa Fe, NM 14
Anne S Youngblood Santa Fe, NM 47
Annette Gingras Hobbs Santa Fe, NM 64
Annie M Perkins Heirs Trust Santa Fe, NM 87
Anthony Kent Moores Santa Fe, NM 34
Arlene Emmons Santa Fe, NM 5
Arthur Bryan Crawford Santa Fe, NM 8
Arthur Michael Hyde Santa Fe, NM 7
Audrey E Douthitt Santa Fe, NM 9
Austin Pam Life Estate Santa Fe, NM 15
Aylin Maria Gary Santa Fe, NM 16
Barbara P Hilliard Dorn Santa Fe, NM 4
Betsy Mitchell Santa Fe, NM 5
Bettie Ward Santa Fe, NM 27
Betty Hyde Jennings Santa Fe, NM 8
Betty W Peterson Santa Fe, NM 5
Big Surprise LLC Santa Fe, NM 45
Bill B Fambro Santa Fe, NM 4
Bill Herbert Hultquist Santa Fe, NM 5
Billye B Anton Santa Fe, NM 6
Blackbuck Energy LLC Santa Fe, NM 1
Breeding/Soriero Liv TR Santa Fe, NM 6
Brent Barnett Ault Santa Fe, NM 14
Brent W Walker Santa Fe, NM 19
Bruce D Dunlap Santa Fe, NM 15
Bureau Of Land Management Santa Fe, NM 3
C L Mike Indiv Revoc Schmidt Santa Fe, NM 5
C L Schmidt Jr Santa Fe, NM 7
Candace Delgado Santa Fe, NM 8
Candace Leffler Santa Fe, NM 5
Cardwell Energy TR U/A Santa Fe, NM 74
Cardwell Energy Trust Santa Fe, NM 97
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