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Ascension Parish, LA Mineral Owners

Owners in Ascension Parish, LA
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Amber Melissa Bond Geismar, LA 5
Anthony John Moran Prairieville, LA 6
Billie W Malone Prairieville, LA 5
Brad A Bond Gonzales, LA 5
Brenda G Hatfield Gonzales, LA 7
Brian Lee Garner Saint Amant, LA 9
Catherine Borne Bordelon Prairieville, LA 24
Charles R Reulet Saint Amant, LA 9
Colby Family Enterprises Inc Prairieville, LA 1
Craig J Sceroler Prairieville, LA 4
Darla Landry Ratcliff Gonzales, LA 4
Deborah Gilbert Gonzales, LA 17
Edgar Cornelius Bishop Brittany, LA 5
Elizabeth Hill Prairieville, LA 13
Foster Karla A Life Estate Saint Amant, LA 4
Glenn & Rhonda Hudson Prairieville, LA 6
Gloria Hays Templet Saint Amant, LA 8
Gray A Bailey Prairieville, LA 16
Harold J III & Alison Berry Prairieville, LA 10
Howard Kevin Sweeny Prairieville, LA 7
James Arna Tidwell Prairieville, LA 11
James L Kimes Gonzales, LA 8
Joan Burkett Prairieville, LA 9
John Scott Ghetti SR Gonzales, LA 15
John Y May Prairieville, LA 7
Kelli R Blanchard Saint Amant, LA 4
Margaret Wood Byars Prairieville, LA 16
Michael Malone Prairieville, LA 5
Neuville Terry W Trust Prairieville, LA 10
Patsy Marie Berteau Prairieville, LA 6
Raymond Elliott Barrett Prairieville, LA 5
Robert Clarence Potter Prairieville, LA 9
Robert S & Janet Gill Prairieville, LA 4
Selinna K Simpson Gonzales, LA 6
Sherry Hays Saint Amant, LA 8
Terry Wayne Hogan Gonzales, LA 15
Timothy Andrew Barrett Prairieville, LA 5
Tommy Dale Bradford Prairieville, LA 4
Wilson Ruth D Living Trust Prairieville, LA 11
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Ascension Parish, LA
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Ascension Parish, LA