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Sedgwick County, KS Mineral Owners

Owners in Sedgwick County, KS
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Kenneth W & Cheryl Eichenauer Wichita, KS 22
Kent L Adams Wichita, KS 11
Kevin L Schoenhals Wichita, KS 14
Kirk J Tom Rev Trust Wichita, KS 39
Kirk James Thomas Rev Trust Wichita, KS 4
Knorr Katharine H Rev Trust Eastborough, KS 5
Knox Bertha Test Trust Derby, KS 61
Koch Exploration Company Wichita, KS 17
Koch Industries Inc Wichita, KS 5
Kraft Oil Properties LLC Wichita, KS 14
Lakeshore Operating LLC Wichita, KS 136
Lario O & G Co Wichita, KS 1
Lario Oil & Gas Company Wichita, KS 453
Larry Bell Wichita, KS 30
Larry G King Wichita, KS 5
Lauren M Ripple-McDaniel Wichita, KS 10
Laurence A & Marjorie W Bryant Benton, KS 5
Laurence Arthur Bryant Benton, KS 13
Le Properties Holdings LLC Wichita, KS 1
Lecia K Harbutz Wichita, KS 5
Leslie S Foster Wichita, KS 9
Linda Kay Robinson Wichita, KS 94
Linda Renee Gazaway Derby, KS 19
Linda'S Oil Company Wichita, KS 5
Longs Peak Oil & Gas LLC Wichita, KS 1
Louis Volpe Jr Cheney, KS 4
Mandalek Charlotte Life Estate Wichita, KS 6
Manors Presbyterian Wichita, KS 12
Manuel Corporation Wichita, KS 8
Marc Colcord Wichita, KS 4
Marcia L Constantine Derby, KS 6
Margaret M Johnson Derby, KS 10
Marlene E Wells Wichita, KS 25
Marta L Lafond Valley Center, KS 5
Martha J Mitchael Derby, KS 5
Martin A Vieta Clearwater, KS 6
Martin L Sharp Wichita, KS 28
Marvin E Kraft Wichita, KS 8
Mary Kay Avila Wichita, KS 12
Mary Pat Elpers Wichita, KS 13
Marys Parish St Wichita, KS 6
McCaul Rive Lind Trust Wichita, KS 7
Melinda S Foley Wichita, KS 13
Melody Perkins Manlove Wichita, KS 4
Merna N & Eugene Siemens Wichita, KS 4
Michael & William Renner Wichita, KS 5
Michael A Aylward Wichita, KS 11
Michael Anthony Statton Wichita, KS 6
Michael Glenn Truly Wichita, KS 8
Michael S Mitchell Wichita, KS 4
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