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Johnson County, KS Mineral Owners

Owners in Johnson County, KS
Owner Name Owner City Interests
1935 Texas Star Legacy LP Overland Park, KS 43
Adac II Inc Mission, KS 19
Adcock Joint Revocable Trust Overland Park, KS 19
Alex William Fulton Lenexa, KS 15
Alvin T Anderson Shawnee, KS 18
Andrew Gustafson Leawood, KS 6
Ange Austin-Hoffman Olathe, KS 4
Ann L Stapleton Mission Hills, KS 24
Arnott Family Trust Overland Park, KS 4
Arthur Raymond McKenna Overland Park, KS 5
Ash Grove Texas LP Overland Park, KS 2
Bacon LLC Olathe, KS 2
Barbara J Eichhorn Overland Park, KS 4
Barbara Kietzer Roberts Overland Park, KS 8
Barbara R Bein Overland Park, KS 5
Becks Tire Service Inc Overland Park, KS 12
Berry C W Estate Gardner, KS 4
Betty Means Overland Park, KS 4
Billy Mac Limited Partnership Prairie Village, KS 74
Bobbie Kay Maxon Overland Park, KS 14
Boots Minerals LLC Overland Park, KS 1
Brandi Jill Fisher Prairie Village, KS 26
Brenda J Atkinson Rice Overland Park, KS 31
Brenda Ruth Sniezek Prairie Village, KS 6
Brian Christopher Wiedower Overland Park, KS 4
Brian M Bell Overland Park, KS 7
Brockmeier Joint Revocable TR Mission Woods, KS 8
Bryan Wade Taylor Overland Park, KS 29
Burton D Reynolds Leawood, KS 29
Burton Dan Reynolds Overland Park, KS 24
Caleb & Jennifer Eggink Overland Park, KS 4
Candice L Brewer Overland Park, KS 5
Carl David Byler Overland Park, KS 4
Carol A Freirich Mission Hills, KS 7
Carol McDaniel Lenexa, KS 23
Catherine Ann Corley Buckley Overland Park, KS 13
Catherine Kerr Prairie Village, KS 7
Cathryn Nations Everest Prairie Village, KS 7
Cathy Trabue Prairie Village, KS 64
Charles Andrew Friedman Leawood, KS 30
Charles Clayton Brammer Leawood, KS 20
Charles Clayton Brammer Overland Park, KS 5
Charles L Friedman Overland Park, KS 30
Charles R Loudenback Leawood, KS 5
Charles R Morris Overland Park, KS 94
Charlotte Abell-Bailey Olathe, KS 9
Chatten Cowherd Jr Overland Park, KS 12
Cheryl Kottwitz Overland Park, KS 5
Church Of Nazarene - General Lenexa, KS 4
Clark Beverly Revocable Trust Overland Park, KS 4
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