Owner Information
Jon R Ekstrand
Address :
Des Moines, IA 50312
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 18
Counties with Interests: 1
Heat Map of Interests Held By Jon R Ekstrand
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Interests Held By Jon R Ekstrand
Displaying Results 1 - 18 of 18
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Jon R Ekstrand
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
1979 Royalties LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 1063 |
Bar H Oil & Gas LLC | San Antonio, TX | 18 | 947 |
BB Free Mineral Holdings LLC | Amarillo, TX | 18 | 1101 |
Bonner Mineral Interests LLC | Houston, TX | 18 | 43 |
Cotner Minerals LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 290 |
CRM 2018 LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 2437 |
Crownrock Minerals LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 4496 |
Escondido Minerals LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 99 |
Exxon Mobil Corporation | Spring, TX | 18 | 2590 |
First United Methodist Church | Midland, TX | 18 | 853 |
Fortress Energy Partners II LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 532 |
Laforce Family LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 940 |
Linder R LLC | Vilonia, AR | 18 | 575 |
Mercury Mineral Investments | Dallas, TX | 18 | 273 |
Rock River Minerals IV LP | Midland, TX | 18 | 1152 |
Sevenways Venture Capital Ltd | Dallas, TX | 18 | 433 |
TWR IV LLC | Fort Worth, TX | 18 | 1256 |
Viper Energy Partners LLC | Oklahoma City, OK | 18 | 6705 |
Wayland Baptist University | Plainview, TX | 18 | 124 |
Yeager Resources Ltd | Midland, TX | 18 | 387 |
Other Owners of Interest