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Washington, DC Mineral Owners

Owners in Washington, DC
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Adele Royalty Ventures LLC Washington, DC 21
Alexandra Moe Washington, DC 8
Allison May Rosen Washington, DC 13
Ann Branigar Hopkins Washington, DC 5
Anthony Pate Washington, DC 37
Army A Georgia C Salvation Washington, DC 5
Asar Malik Mustafa Washington, DC 7
Ballard Group LLC Washington, DC 2
Barbara Cooksey Washington, DC 6
Barton Charles LLC Washington, DC 4
Bella Combs Washington, DC 4
Bessie Ross McCray Washington, DC 7
Betty McGlothlin Armstrong Washington, DC 16
Betty Tua DTS 06/29/46 Forbes Washington, DC 9
Bholabo Properties LLC Washington, DC 1
Bobbie Raleigh Lee Washington, DC 6
Boorstin Robert O Estate Washington, DC 29
Born Free USA Washington, DC 5
Brazoria Minerals LLC Washington, DC 10
Brenda Lorraine Black Washington, DC 9
Bret Levi Kleiman Washington, DC 4
Busby Hope Royalty Company Washington, DC 58
Cason Robert-A Minor Liles Washington, DC 4
Charles L McCain Washington, DC 39
Charlotte Kroll Washington, DC 5
Cheryl Hankamer Washington, DC 6
Christina Giffin Washington, DC 8
Christine Lee Washington, DC 14
Christopher Robert Alver Washington, DC 4
Chriswell D Langhorne Jr Inc Washington, DC 2
Daniel J Nathan Washington, DC 6
Darrin Deshun Davis Washington, DC 4
David Griswell Washington, DC 14
David M Woolley Washington, DC 4
David Martin Woolley Washington, DC 4
Debys Anne M Rev TR 5.26.11 Washington, DC 5
Diana Duke Duncan Washington, DC 8
Dorothy Hart McGhee Washington, DC 12
Drew C Ambrose Washington, DC 6
Edith Anita Sweeney Washington, DC 11
Elizabeth L Howard Washington, DC 36
Elizabeth M Baker Washington, DC 4
Elizabeth M Reavley Washington, DC 24
Emily St Clare Attwell Washington, DC 19
Eric S Cooksey Washington, DC 5
Ewen E Allison Washington, DC 12
F Lane Heard III 1994 Children'S Trust Washington, DC 1
Fatheree Susan Est Washington, DC 5
Field Harry Robert Rev Trust Washington, DC 5
Franke Shaw Burgess Jr Washington, DC 6
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