Owner Information
Jane D North
Address :
Englewood, CO 80113
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 101
Counties with Interests: 10
Heat Map of Interests Held By Jane D North
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Interests Held By Jane D North
Displaying Results 101 - 101 of 101
Property | County | Operator | Interest | Type | Value | |
WHITAKER E G | Nolan County, TX | SCOUT ENERGY | View Details |
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by Jane D North
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
Alexander Investment Company | Plano, TX | 65 | 582 |
Charles C FML Prtship McKinney | Frisco, TX | 66 | 377 |
Columbia Royalty Co | Shreveport, LA | 72 | 1061 |
G T Strong | Longview, TX | 54 | 263 |
Hanson Patricia A Trust | Plano, TX | 57 | 71 |
Hfa Mineral Interests LP | Shreveport, LA | 69 | 851 |
Krutsinger Sue D LLC | Boulder, CO | 91 | 114 |
Lutes Casselman Irrv Trust | Plano, TX | 54 | 60 |
Mock Judith A Trust | Plano, TX | 57 | 139 |
Muskoka Minerals LLC | Denison, TX | 64 | 400 |
Nancy Sue Dimit | Santa Fe, NM | 99 | 122 |
Norcad LLC | Shreveport, LA | 59 | 322 |
Partners Mayer-Boeckman | Englewood, CO | 76 | 618 |
Petroleum Investments Inc | Shreveport, LA | 53 | 293 |
Robert M Briggs | Fredericksburg, TX | 57 | 202 |
Southwest Petroleum Company | Dallas, TX | 53 | 14196 |
TGNR East Texas LLC | Houston, TX | 62 | 2096 |
Travis C Wall | Carthage, TX | 55 | 333 |
Ur Of America Ltd | Dallas, TX | 65 | 2441 |
Wga Mineral Interests LP | Shreveport, LA | 67 | 846 |
Other Owners of Interest