Durango, CO Summary
Mineral Holders Living in Durango, CO: 241
Total Appraised Value of Mineral Holders Living in Durango, CO: $8,233,566
Top Owners in Durango, CO
- Appaloosa Trading Co
- Bertrand Properties Ltd
- Betterit Land & Title Holding
- Bowie Royalty Company LLC
- Dana Strawn
- Ellen Bolton
- Emily Caroline Joffrion Scott
- F M Slack III
- Fassett Family Investments
- Francis Marian Slack III
- Helen Ruth Gundersen
- Janis Anne Short
- Jon D & Sharon K Joint Shook
- Jon D Shook
- Lashley Douglas L Family Trust
- Laura Beth Revoc Sturtevant
- Michael B Cobb
- Michele Jeanine Sealey
- Michele Jeannie Sealey Jeter
- Mrs Lynn D Emerson
- Mtco&G LLC
- Nall James Cotton Rev TR
- Sattva Arthur Revocable Trust
- Shook Jon & Sharon Revoc Trust
- William P Schultz
Owners in Durango, CO
Owner Name | Owner City | Interests |
Vernon R Ruwwe | Durango, CO | 4 |
William Charles Rigby | Durango, CO | 10 |
William David Fetterly | Durango, CO | 32 |
William K & Christi D Childers | Durango, CO | 28 |
William P Schultz | Durango, CO | 27 |
WRT Company | Durango, CO | 2 |
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