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Stanislaus County, CA Mineral Owners

Owners in Stanislaus County, CA
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Alfreda Grace Windsor Modesto, CA 4
Ann G McKain Modesto, CA 31
Arlene Angell Turlock, CA 14
Barry Watson Riverbank, CA 27
Betty C Grimes Dean Patterson, CA 6
Bridget M Meadows Modesto, CA 57
Brown Family Trust Empire, CA 5
Carol Haga Modesto, CA 38
Carol McGuffey Modesto, CA 4
Carol Ward Waterford, CA 6
Constance M Johnston Turlock, CA 8
Dean G Caldwell Ceres, CA 33
Dean G Revocable Caldwell Ceres, CA 6
Dena Sousa Modesto, CA 7
Denise Wofford Modesto, CA 12
Donald Eugene Warren Waterford, CA 5
Dora E Bell Modesto, CA 7
Doris Coetta Bell Newman, CA 4
Doris Wallers Modesto, CA 6
Duane Paul Musiol Modesto, CA 14
Edward G Keller Modesto, CA 9
Ethel Castellanos Modesto, CA 4
Floy Lee Worden Oakdale, CA 17
Glenda Jean Degough Hughson, CA 4
Gloria J Wilder Modesto, CA 8
Harold L Gonderman Jr Modesto, CA 4
Harold Terry Turlock, CA 4
Irrigation District Turlock Turlock, CA 5
James Bruce Reed Modesto, CA 33
James Craig Persons Modesto, CA 6
Janice Dorthea McNab Pritchett Empire, CA 5
Janice Terry Modesto, CA 5
Jasper W Tully Turlock, CA 4
Jay Smith Turlock, CA 7
Jeffery Blaine Smith Modesto, CA 6
Jeffrey B Smith Modesto, CA 471
Joyce Elcena McNabb Best Keyes, CA 4
Julianne Kline Modesto, CA 7
Katherine M McKain Modesto, CA 57
Kenneth I Kerns Modesto, CA 4
Kim Thi Nguyen Modesto, CA 6
Larry L Maines Oakdale, CA 10
Lennie Worsham Modesto, CA 7
Lora Maurine Dryden Lunden Oakdale, CA 37
Lynette Enoch Conner Patterson, CA 7
Margaret A McKain Modesto, CA 57
Margaret Oleson Modesto, CA 5
Mark L McCoppin Modesto, CA 19
Mary C Baptista Modesto, CA 10
Mary W Peterson Turlock, CA 4
Browse Mineral Owners by Cities in Stanislaus County, CA
Browse Mineral Owners by Counties near Stanislaus County, CA