Owner Information
JWPMKP Minerals Holdings Lpco
Address :
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Total Appraisal Value:
Total Interests on File: 2
Counties with Interests: 1
Other Owners With a Similar Name | |
Heat Map of Interests Held By JWPMKP Minerals Holdings Lpco
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Interests Held By JWPMKP Minerals Holdings Lpco
Displaying Results 1 - 2 of 2
Property | County | Operator | Interest | Type | Value | |
CAR UNIT #20-21-22-23 71HH | Panola County, TX | TGNR EAST TEXAS LLC | 0.000158 | RI | $100 | View Details |
CAR UNIT #21-22 73HH | Panola County, TX | TGNR EAST TEXAS LLC | View Details |
Mutual Interest Owners of Properties held by JWPMKP Minerals Holdings Lpco
Owner Name | Owner City | Mutual Interests | Total Interests |
Alexander Investment Company | Plano, TX | 2 | 582 |
Bandera Minerals LLC | Tulsa, OK | 2 | 1099 |
Big Sky Mineral Trust | Arlington, TX | 2 | 3302 |
Bocal Oil & Gas LLC | Frisco, TX | 2 | 109 |
Capital McIntyre Group LLC | Boerne, TX | 2 | 197 |
Chestnut Exploration & Prod | Richardson, TX | 2 | 23 |
Columbia Royalty Co | Shreveport, LA | 2 | 1061 |
Finch Royalties LLC | Addison, TX | 2 | 411 |
Glassell-Wood Partnership Ltd | Shreveport, LA | 2 | 336 |
Hunter Zoller Heritage LLC | Centennial, CO | 2 | 39 |
James-Perkins Investments Ltd | Richardson, TX | 2 | 170 |
McCoy Family Management LP | Dallas, TX | 2 | 111 |
Moody Oil Company | Columbus, OH | 2 | 469 |
MPH Production Company | Victoria, TX | 2 | 2949 |
Noble Roy Acf IV LP | Addison, TX | 2 | 3963 |
Orthwein Energy LP | Oklahoma City, OK | 2 | 143 |
P & L Resources Ltd | Dallas, TX | 2 | 747 |
Plemmons Family Investments | Marshall, TX | 2 | 81 |
RJW Resources LLC | Blacklick, OH | 2 | 130 |
Triangle Royalty LP | Midland, TX | 2 | 701 |
Other Owners of Interest