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Pulaski County, AR Mineral Owners

Owners in Pulaski County, AR
Owner Name Owner City Interests
A P Minerals Co Inc Little Rock, AR 62
Acx Energy LLC Little Rock, AR 1
Adam Wayne Verhalen Maumelle, AR 13
Alice M Lile Little Rock, AR 10
Amo Wanda G Limited Prtrnship Little Rock, AR 5
Anaphora LP Little Rock, AR 1
Anderson Washington Jr Little Rock, AR 12
Andrew Wilson Musgrove Little Rock, AR 5
Angy M Yeager-Bock Little Rock, AR 4
Ann Hubbard Hollandsworth Little Rock, AR 26
Ann P McKinney Little Rock, AR 19
Ann Prentice Wagner Little Rock, AR 6
Anna Ozuna Clemmons Maumelle, AR 9
Anthony Armond Bliss North Little Rock, AR 4
Arkansas Baptist Foundation Little Rock, AR 2
Aspen Properties JV Little Rock, AR 4
Barbara A Snell Trahan Little Rock, AR 10
Barbara A Trahan Little Rock, AR 45
Bartley L Moreland III Roland, AR 4
Beonker Pegues Christian Jacksonville, AR 17
Beth Anne Myers Johnson Little Rock, AR 9
Betty Becker Walt Little Rock, AR 25
Betty Jo Allen Little Rock, AR 4
Beverly L Rapps-Cassinelli Little Rock, AR 10
Biggers Catherine Elizabeth TR Little Rock, AR 28
BJL Family LP Little Rock, AR 49
Blake Russell Sanders Little Rock, AR 4
Bobette Nagel Manees Little Rock, AR 6
Bonnie G Jones Little Rock, AR 10
Brad Wesley Leinart Little Rock, AR 6
Bradshaw Suzanne L Rev Trust Little Rock, AR 50
Bradshaw Suzanne Revoc Trust Little Rock, AR 16
Brown Ruth McCurry - Trust Little Rock, AR 7
Bryan & Kisha Smith Maumelle, AR 4
C Jerry Cook Little Rock, AR 5
Campbell Ranch Minerals LLC Little Rock, AR 11
Carolyn Anne Lay Little Rock, AR 5
Carruthers Ann Hedge Living TR Little Rock, AR 22
Catherine A Landers Little Rock, AR 4
Catherine Anderson North Little Rock, AR 4
Catherine Dowdy Little Rock, AR 13
Catherine Elizabeth Biggers Little Rock, AR 16
Catherine J Singer Little Rock, AR 4
Cathrine Michelle Lefevr Dixon Little Rock, AR 7
Cathryn M Carlson Maumelle, AR 23
Caver Nancy Shoop TR Little Rock, AR 142
Caver Nancy Shoop Trust Uat DTD 112691 Little Rock, AR 57
Charles H Proetz Little Rock, AR 14
Charlotte Price Hall Little Rock, AR 40
Charlotte Schaef Roland, AR 7
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