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Phoenix, AZ Mineral Owners

Owners in Phoenix, AZ
Owner Name Owner City Interests
1938 Mineral Trust Phoenix, AZ 2
Abj Oil Company Ltd Phoenix, AZ 2
Ackers Larry GST Exempt Trust Phoenix, AZ 5
Adrian Michael Sandersius Phoenix, AZ 8
Alan Craig Vernon Phoenix, AZ 4
Alan Ray Roden Phoenix, AZ 5
Albert Leffler Phoenix, AZ 5
Alfred G & Wanda Frantz Phoenix, AZ 14
Alice Joyce D Gonzales Phoenix, AZ 18
Allen K & Grace S Yi Phoenix, AZ 7
Allene Reyman Phoenix, AZ 8
Allisa Green Phoenix, AZ 9
Amerco Real Est Co Phoenix, AZ 5
Amerco Real Estate Co Phoenix, AZ 1
American Fence Co Inc Phoenix, AZ 1
Andrew McClendon Phoenix, AZ 5
Ann Fears Keller Phoenix, AZ 9
Arizona Dept Of Rev/Fao/Kevin Phoenix, AZ 2
Armendariz Holdings LLC Phoenix, AZ 1
Arnold-Sisneros Rev Liv Trust Phoenix, AZ 6
Arthur J Richardson III Phoenix, AZ 7
Asava Alford Woods Phoenix, AZ 4
Associates Winssinger Phoenix, AZ 16
Atrium Finance I LP Phoenix, AZ 14
Aurora Crawford Dorsey Phoenix, AZ 9
Avlin Crawford Phoenix, AZ 12
B & S Sorosky Trust Phoenix, AZ 10
Bailey Austin Smith Phoenix, AZ 4
Barbara A McGuire Phoenix, AZ 4
Barbara Thornbury Phoenix, AZ 6
Barclay Texas Holdings III LP Phoenix, AZ 8
Barnett Juanita TR Irrev Inc Phoenix, AZ 10
Baron Hills LLC Phoenix, AZ 1
Beatrice Thompson Phoenix, AZ 4
Becky Diane Lui Phoenix, AZ 4
Benno Foehner Jr Phoenix, AZ 18
Betsy Lee Burson Phoenix, AZ 15
Betty Lynn Jacobson Phoenix, AZ 41
Beverly Bell Phoenix, AZ 11
Billy Ray Wienke Phoenix, AZ 4
Billy Roy Standefer Phoenix, AZ 6
Blue Ridge Energy LLC Phoenix, AZ 1
Boggs Kurlander Steele LLC Phoenix, AZ 18
Booker T White Jr Phoenix, AZ 5
Bowden Margaret L Test TR Fbo Phoenix, AZ 8
Brecheisen Genevieve B Fam TR Phoenix, AZ 98
Brenda Sue Leutenegger Phoenix, AZ 8
Bret Thomas Overmyer Phoenix, AZ 14
Brooks John M Trust Phoenix, AZ 7
Burnett Oliver F Fmly Trust Phoenix, AZ 16
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