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Mobile, AL Mineral Owners

Owners in Mobile, AL
Owner Name Owner City Interests
Albert Watkins Key Jr Mobile, AL 130
Amy & Matthew Patterson Mobile, AL 4
Anne Moore Patton Mobile, AL 5
Arc Jr Minerals LLC Mobile, AL 15
Beau John Bartel Mobile, AL 4
Bert McDaniel Mobile, AL 7
Boykin Family General PTNSHP Mobile, AL 46
Brent W Greenwald Mobile, AL 10
Caroline Williams Reed Mobile, AL 8
Carolyn Newell Mobile, AL 28
Christine Warren Mobile, AL 11
Colin Clarke Guthrie Mobile, AL 13
Deedra Brown Cook Mobile, AL 5
Dixie Investments Mobile, AL 4
Ecf Minerals LLC Mobile, AL 15
Elsie Lorraine L/E Kersh Mobile, AL 4
Family Holdings III LLC Mobile, AL 1
George Ronald Williams Mobile, AL 5
Hazel L Woodward Mobile, AL 110
Hickox Company Mobile, AL 1
James Kachel Mobile, AL 4
Jason Terry Mobile, AL 15
JJ & M Seeds LLC Mobile, AL 5
Joel Reagan Hays Mobile, AL 4
John Andre Visor Mobile, AL 48
John Gaston Aikin Mobile, AL 4
John Gaston V Aikin Mobile, AL 4
John L IV Moore Mobile, AL 5
John Scott Howie Mobile, AL 120
Judy Aran Mobile, AL 5
L C Bible Mobile, AL 6
Leesa Kersh Bolling Mobile, AL 4
Margaret L Brown Mobile, AL 6
Marianne N M Stephens Mobile, AL 14
Marie Elaine Collins Mobile, AL 4
Marion Alvarez Kuehnle Mobile, AL 5
Mary K Zoghby Mobile, AL 23
Mosnar Inc Mobile, AL 6
Oscar H - Most Reverend Lipscomb Mobile, AL 14
Randal Wade Ashlock Mobile, AL 10
Raymond Sokolosky Mobile, AL 6
Rex E Sard Mobile, AL 5
Robert David Speed Jr Mobile, AL 4
Robin B Thetford Mobile, AL 6
Robin Leigh Wood Mobile, AL 20
Ron Allison Mobile, AL 9
Ruth Moulton Quackenbush Mobile, AL 15
Sallie Claire Canon Mobile, AL 11
Sallie Claire Latham Mobile, AL 11
Simmons Mineral Trust Mobile, AL 3
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